Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lets talk about wheat grass kits

wheat grass kitsGoing Organic Shouldn't Be Complicated.

As a kid I read 19th century literature, including "On Walden Pond" by Henry David Thoreau. An early environmentalist, HDT eschewed modernization and lived his own philosophy by leaving civilization and building himself a cabin in the New England woods "on Walden Pond" ("pond" being the New England vernacular for "lake"). There he journaled his thoughts about living simply, and decried the advancement of the modern age, industrialization, and its desecration of Nature and simple values.

The book partially grandfathered the Back-to-Nature, and subsequent organic movements of the 20th century. Interestingly, the roots of those movements seem tied in two centuries, to dehumanization by tsunamis of global industrialization, commercialization, and technological fusion into the lives of ordinary people.

First, I am not 160 years old, I just read the book.

Secondly, it really is possible for bright young teenagers to learn and understand 19th century literature...unplug that screaming media center.

That said, "On Walden Pond" introduced a respect for naturalism that never left my consciousness. The thought of a simpler, more respectful and organic lifestyle is as tantalizing now as it was 160 years ago, or even 40 years ago (or 20 years ago...I'm not that old). Which is why I so greatly admire Amish and Mennonite communities for their time tested, steadfast refusal to relinquish personal freedoms to corporate industrialization.

I never did become an environmental purist. Our age is what is it is. My blow-dryer is my friend, after all.

But the growth of the organic industry gives us an opportunity to rethink our relationship with the planet, and our daily needs. We have a chance to gradually introduce organic products into everyday living, and to dictate quality of life for ourselves and our families.

"On Walden Pond" is a good read. Even I find some of HDT's suggestions somewhat impractical though (living naked in the woods is a little more exposure to tiny critters than I care to test...nasty little things). However introducing organic textiles and foods, recycling, decreasing energy consumption, and dozens of other environmentally sensible practices, will go a long way toward not only reclaiming our environment for ourselves and descendants, but will just plain make you feel comfortable.

The switch to organic living should be easy, personal, natural, and without stress. Morphing into a committed activist is not required.

So don't dive in, rack up the credit card bills, and feel obligated to protest anything (crowds can be somewhat um, smelly?). Itchy skin? Buy some organic cotton sheets or bath towels. Got a baby on the way? Buy some organic baby bedding. Try organic coffee, shop local organic produce stands on Saturday. Just relax, enjoy, and remember hot-headed Thoreau's most famous credo: "Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!".�

Susan Fullen-Yurek of Kushtush Organics,, is an e-commerce entrepreneur specializing in organic textiles, and information about organic living. Email questions or comments to

wheat grass kitsContact us if you have any questions
or if you would like a commercial relationship using our API.

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Have you heard of crown wheatgrass

crown wheatgrassThe Sweet Smells of Aromatherapy

Smells and scents influence all the aspects of our life. They play an important part in important facets of everyday living such as food, hygiene, clothing, and so forth. In fact, there is an art that deals with the impact of strong scents and smells on our moods. This art is more popularly known as Aromatherapy. It has been practiced as far back as a few thousand years ago. Ancient Egyptian frescoes relate how ancient Egyptians used Aromatherapy to calm their senses and to add some spice into their lifestyle.

Aromatherapy was also popular during the Medieval Ages. It has been reputed that the Crusaders used a combination of myrrh and frankincense to keep their tired troops in an excited state of constant preparedness. This tactic was also reputedly used by Napoleon to maintain the alertness of the French army. There are other records of princes of generals who have utilized this art to win battles or to scare away the opposition.

A recent Animal Planet program highlighted the influence of Aromatherapy on the animal kingdom. In this program, the producers listed out ten animals with the vilest scent in the entire animal kingdom. The skunk proved to be the smelliest critter in the whole world. Anyway, to return to the subject of Aromatherapy, bad smells are also a vital part of the art of scents and smells. Similar to the concept of the yin and yang that balances the forces in nature; both good and bad scents need to be studied in order to determine a scent that has the most balanced impact on a person.

The battered and stressed out population of today�s modern era consider Aromatherapy as their lifeblood. Stress and worries have increased along with the material comforts that have been developed through technology. Most people do not have the inclination or the time to indulge in the old fashioned methods of relaxation. Aromatherapy provides people these days with a simple and economical solution for stress.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Aromatherapy. Visit our site for more helpful information about Aromatherapy and other similar topics.

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Mon, 01 Dec 2008 21:02:53 EDT
I get my permanent crown in two weeks. ... I had an almond milk based chocolate shake this afternoon, my above mentioned wheatgrass combo before dinner, and then for dinner I made an Indian dahl and s ome steamed sweet potatoes and yams.... Wheatgrass has many, many health benefits but has a “unique” taste to it. ... I had to have a crown replaced today, so have a very sore tooth with a temporary crown on it....



Not just A blog about wheatgrass juice uk

wheatgrass juice ukThings You Can Try To Stop The Acid Reflux

First thought is that acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, etc, is the result of continually eating your food in the manner and type that causes indigestion. But isn't always that simple.

If you are the one having acid reflux problems, my advice is that you should see a physician, and get a proper diagnosis of why you likely have the reflux problem, and what you can do about it. There are many things that one can do to reduce reflux, and it is important to do so, because reflux can put you at an increased risk of esophageal cancer, one of the more deadly cancers.

Natural hygiene has been often mentioned as a way to stop reflux. Maybe it does work, but it is an extreme dietary measure that is hard for most to follow, and it may not even be healthy overall if not followed properly.

A hygienist would encourage you to learn how to avoid indigestion by structuring your meals differently and to use some good food enzymes from a plant source. A simple plan would be to have fruit or melon meals, or salad meals, and then protein or carbohydrate meals. The concept is based upon making it as easy on the stomach to digest the food as possible. Food combining is another term for this type of meal structure.

And finally, there is a paragraph with thing you must cut and avoid. So, cut down on coffee, lose a bit of weight, avoid eating too much or when feeling upset or nervous, avoid eating quickly and avoid eating acidy foods. Avoid going to bed with a full stomach, avoid large and fatty dinners, avoid alcohol, chocolate, caffeine and peppermint, particularly in the evenings.

Valerian D. is a freelance writer interested in items such as acid reflux disease.

A blog about wheatgrass cancer

Acai Berry Benefit

Thu, 20 Nov 2008 08:11:57 EST
The Acai Berry,pronounced as ''a-sigh-ee'' is a small and roundish black-looking purple fruit It looks distantly like a grape but is smaller and darker. It has large seed and a small amount of pulp. A...

Grassroots gold - Bangkok Post

Sun, 30 Nov 2008 20:19:49 GMT

Bangkok Post

Grassroots gold
Bangkok Post, Thailand - Nov 30, 2008
"These groups of consumers prefer buying plant kits to grow wheatgrass at home. It takes only seven or eight days for the young grass to grow and be ready ...

wheatgrass cancerAncient Ayurveda Science Takes On The Modern Day Pharmaceutical Industry With 7 Super Foods & Herbs

Sick of those Pharmaceutical ads on TV? In my opinion, some of them are just DISGUSTING, a nightly diet of them is getting to be too much. A few of them are as bad as the cigarette ads of past years! Then they have the gull to end the ad with 5 seconds or so of monotone to let you know about all of the side effects that you might experience!

The 5,000 year old Ancient Science/Medicine is taking on the modern day Pharmaceutical industry. The modern world is finding out that there is a lot to learn from the Ancients!

There is a brand new revolutionary product that has hit the market and is now available. The testimonials are already pouring in from all over North America. This is the only product ever endorsed by The Chopra Wellness Center in California. The Chopra Wellness Center was founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. Dr. Deepak Chopra is a world renowned Doctor who has sold over 40,000 books world wide, you may have seen him on Orpah. This new product promotes the pharmaceutical factory that exists within all of us and helps it work to our benefit! You really need to look into this.

If you haven't heard of it yet you surely will. It is based on Ayurveda Science with a synergistic blend of seven different super foods and herbs. There are no preservatives added. It took a team of award winning Western Medical Doctors, World renowned Ayurveda Physicians, Scholars, and PhD's in Chemistry and Modern Nutrition a full year and 60 formulations to come up with this synergistic blend of super foods.

Amalaki is the base for this synergistic blend with Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki, and ginger as the other supporting actives. All of which are a stand alone super foods.

Rick Daniels is an entrepreneur with a life time of experience in business. Has owned several successful companies in several different markets. As a baby boomer believes in Zrii as a great product and as a great business opportunity.

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