Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Have you heard of crown wheatgrass

crown wheatgrassThe Sweet Smells of Aromatherapy

Smells and scents influence all the aspects of our life. They play an important part in important facets of everyday living such as food, hygiene, clothing, and so forth. In fact, there is an art that deals with the impact of strong scents and smells on our moods. This art is more popularly known as Aromatherapy. It has been practiced as far back as a few thousand years ago. Ancient Egyptian frescoes relate how ancient Egyptians used Aromatherapy to calm their senses and to add some spice into their lifestyle.

Aromatherapy was also popular during the Medieval Ages. It has been reputed that the Crusaders used a combination of myrrh and frankincense to keep their tired troops in an excited state of constant preparedness. This tactic was also reputedly used by Napoleon to maintain the alertness of the French army. There are other records of princes of generals who have utilized this art to win battles or to scare away the opposition.

A recent Animal Planet program highlighted the influence of Aromatherapy on the animal kingdom. In this program, the producers listed out ten animals with the vilest scent in the entire animal kingdom. The skunk proved to be the smelliest critter in the whole world. Anyway, to return to the subject of Aromatherapy, bad smells are also a vital part of the art of scents and smells. Similar to the concept of the yin and yang that balances the forces in nature; both good and bad scents need to be studied in order to determine a scent that has the most balanced impact on a person.

The battered and stressed out population of today�s modern era consider Aromatherapy as their lifeblood. Stress and worries have increased along with the material comforts that have been developed through technology. Most people do not have the inclination or the time to indulge in the old fashioned methods of relaxation. Aromatherapy provides people these days with a simple and economical solution for stress.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Aromatherapy. Visit our site for more helpful information about Aromatherapy and other similar topics.

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Mon, 01 Dec 2008 21:02:53 EDT
I get my permanent crown in two weeks. ... I had an almond milk based chocolate shake this afternoon, my above mentioned wheatgrass combo before dinner, and then for dinner I made an Indian dahl and s ome steamed sweet potatoes and yams.... Wheatgrass has many, many health benefits but has a “unique” taste to it. ... I had to have a crown replaced today, so have a very sore tooth with a temporary crown on it....




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