Saturday, December 06, 2008

Another blog about fresh wheatgrass

fresh wheatgrassHerbal Medicines For Back Problems

Back pain is the most common problem for the majority of the population. If back pain is unrelenting, unaffected by movement or accompanied with fever, malaise, reduced appetite, sudden weight loss, or severe headache (especially when accompanied by nausea and vomiting), medical treatment must be sought immediately. A medical doctor must always be consulted if the spine is damaged as a result of a fall or accident, if there is suspected fracture, or when there is serious illness, such as a heart attack.

Lumbago or Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain may range from being an occasional dull ache below the waist level to a constant, severe pain causing the back to "lock". The pain may remain in the lower back, be one-sided, or both, or may spread into the buttock or the leg, as far as the knee and foot. There may be accompanying pins and needles and aching in the leg (sciatica). It is made worse by bending, menstruation, changing positions, or by turning over in bed.


Massage This can help to reduce muscular tension and pain, although it is important not to massage over the vertebrae.

Acupressure This may help.

Bach Flower Remedies Try Agrimony and Hornbeam, which may help when there are sleep problems caused by the condition.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Alexander Technique, and Acupuncture All can be extremely effective.

Slipped Disk

A slipped disk occurs when one of the fibrous disks that separate the fibrous disks that separate the vertebrae ruptures and presses against the nerves in the spinal canal.

There will be sudden severe, aching pain, with muscle spasm. It will be worse after rest, cougbing, sneezing, or bending, and may be accompanied by pins and needles and numbness in the leg or foot.


A prolapsed disk must be seen by a medical professional before any treatment is undergone.

Tens (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) This uses electrodes to block nem impulses and stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relief hormones.

Homeopathy Arnica every 30 minutes for up tosil doses, then four-hourly for up to five days.

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy is appropriate for the shock accompanying pain.

Hydrotherapy Hot and cold compresses.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

Osteopathy, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture.

Read out for Home remedies. Check out herbal life and asthma treatment

fresh wheatgrassAcne Cure Secrets Exposed - Most Popular Home Remedies for Acne

Sat, 13 Oct 2007 09:40:54 EDT
Acne Introduction

Acne is the most common and chronic skin disease. It is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous (oil) glands and hair follicles usually found on the face, the neck...

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