Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A blog about drinking wheatgrass

How to Look and Feel Younger with Anti-aging Foods

Mon, 02 Jun 2008 22:02:58 EDT
It is surprising that we live in a world where youth and beauty are valued more than wisdom and intelligence. People spend more time and money searching for the fountain of youth by buying every anti-...

Tab for $20 - Ithaca Journal

Wed, 12 Nov 2008 10:35:37 GMT

Tab for $20
Ithaca Journal, NY - Nov 12, 2008
And I certainly could have ordered a different beverage: a shot of wheatgrass with some blue-green algae or spirulina, a freshly-squeezed carrot juice. ...

drinking wheatgrassComplementary and Alternative Treatments for Bronchitis

Nutrition and Supplementation

Although diets should be individualized, there are some general guidelines to follow. Emphasize complex carbohydrates and fiber, with a focus on organic whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and sardines. Radishes, horseradish, and lemon juice heal the lungs and should be consumed often. Avoid mucus-forming foods, such as dairy products, wheat, sweet fruits, and processed foods.

Daily supplements that benefit those with bronchitis are as follows

Most Important

coenzyme (60 mg)-improves breathing proteolytic enzymes with bromelain (between meals as directed on label)-reduces inflammation

zinc (1 15-mg lozenge 5 times daily, not to exceed 100 mg total from all supplements)-necessary for tissue repair

vitamin A (20,000 IU twice daily for 1 month, then reduce to 15,000 IU daily; do not exceed 8000 IU daily if you are pregnant)-heals and protects tissues

vitamin C with bioflavonoids (3000 to 10,000 mg in divided doses)-reduces histamine levels and enhances immune function

mixed carotenoid formula (15,000 IU daily) protects and repairs lung tissue

Also Recommended

chlorophyll (3 times daily as directed on label)-purifies the blood to improve circulation

vitamin B complex (100 mg 3 times daily) activates enzymes needed for healing

garlic (as directed on label, with food)-reduces infection and rids the body of toxins

N-acetyl cysteine (200 mg)

N-acetyl glucosamine (as directed on label) necessary for the regulation of mucus production

(For an acute condition, take supplements until your symptoms subside. If symptoms persist, seek the advice of your health care provider. For a chronic condition, consult your healthcare provider regarding the duration of treatment.)


Both inhalation and steam inhalation therapies with essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, pine, and rosemary can help clear congestion and ease breathing. For instructions on how to prepare an inhalation, see "Aromatherapy" in the "Introduction to Complementary Therapies" section. Avoid inhalation therapy if you have asthma.

Other beneficial essential oils include benzoin, myrrh, frankincense, bergamot, marjoram and sandalwood.

Bodywork and Somatic Pradices

CranioSacral Therapy, Oriental bodywork, and reflexology are good compliments to other treatments.


Chiropractic manipulation of the thoracic (mid-back) and cervical (neck), sections of the spine relieves pressure on the nerve pathways supplying the lung. This allows more flexible movement of the diaphragm and relieves constricted breathing. It also improves flow of lymph fluid, allowing full immune protection by the lymphatic system and proper enervation to the lungs. In conjunction with proper medical attention, which may include an tibiotics, chiropractic is extremely effective in decreasing muscle tightness and spasticity associated with chronic coughing and labored breathing.

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The latest Informaiton on Healing

wheatgrass grey hairLOG: Due Date

Thu, 09 Oct 2008 08:13:40 EDT
Nothing will stop her from finally seeing the esteemed Dr. Grey!...

wheatgrass grey hairProactive Medicine

Proactive medicine on the other hand aims to maintain homeostasis. That is, it aims to maintain health on the physical, mental and emotional levels. The principle behind proactive medicine is prevention is better than cure. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, patients used to visit their doctors while they were well and healthy and they paid the doctor for his/her services, however, if a patient became ill the treatments were free. The assumption being that the doctor did not do his/her job properly and therefore the patient become ill. Luckily, this is no longer the case, even in China.

If one of the doctor's patients died, irrespective of the cause, the doctor was forced to hand a red lantern in his surgery and this would tell all his patients how many of the doctor�s patients had died. Boy, talk about having to be accountable.

Proactive medicine includes advising patients about diet, exercise, stress management and lifestyle choices. It also included the use of preventative forms of medicine, examples include: massage and aromatherapy treatments as well as Acupuncture, Chinese and western herbal medicine. Each of these forms of therapy or medicine acknowledges the fact, that there are ways to strengthen the body�s resistance to disease and maintain health and wellbeing.

The effects of massage for example, have been shown to work on a variety of levels. Physically, massage improves blood and lymph circulation, lowers blood pressure, improves immune and digestive system functioning and increases metabolism. Massage also speeds recovery time for athletes and others with injuries, as well as decreasing pain in many chronic conditions such as tension headaches, back problems and arthritis. Psychologically, massage calms the nervous system, decreases stress and boosts energy levels.

Aromatherapy, used as a proactive medicine, has similar effects to massage, with the additional benefit of the therapeutic properties contained in the essential oils.

In addition, Yoga and Tai Chi, both quite well known in the west these days, are forms of proactive medicine, as they aim to establish and maintain the energy balance of the body. Both these forms of �exercise� are well documented in helping people to regain and maintain a good level of fitness, flexibility and overall health. They have been practiced for thousands of years in both India and China and have well and truly stood the test of time in terms of proving their effectiveness.

Both Tai Chi and Yoga improve overall fitness, balance, coordination, and agility. They have also been shown to lower blood pressure and heart rates, promote relaxation, and release stress and tension. People who practice Tai Chi or Yoga on a regular basis tend to have good posture, flexibility, and range of motion, are more mentally alert, and sleep more soundly at night.

Some other conditions positively affected by Tai Chi and Yoga include: Chronic pain and headaches, arthritis and osteoporosis, heart disease, depression and anxiety, high blood pressure, asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema, and many more. Tai Chi and Yoga thus perform a vital function as proactive medicines, with far-reaching benefits way beyond just physical fitness.

Similarly, the use of meditation and relaxation as proactive medicines are not to be underestimated. Generally speaking, meditation is an experience of relaxing the body, quieting the mind, and awakening the spirit. There are many types of meditation, and each has specific techniques and skills that can be learned. The benefits of meditation are, generally, quite extraordinary. For many people, the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual benefits of meditation might include: higher levels of energy, creativity, and spontaneity; lower blood pressure; increased exercise tolerance; better concentration; decreased depression and anxiety; fewer cravings for alcohol and cigarettes; increased job satisfaction, and better relationships with others, just to mention a few.

In short, proactive medicine is the best approach to establish and maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter � it�s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.
� Wildcrafted Herbal Products 2004


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wheatgrass acneAlternative Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy - Vitamin B12 Supplements UK-Second Progress Report

I continue to ask, "Is there an alternative treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy?" My question in the two other articles I have written on this subject are about the value of high doses of injectable Vitamin B12 Supplement in the form of Methycobalamin. I guess I hope for a miracle but I am also realizing a hope that is saying yes back to me. Is there a cure for Autism or the milder variant of Autism disorder, Asperger's Disorder? That too is discussed and considered.

This is part THREE to my first article.and an update. This article will probably have a part four and maybe even five. I have a lot of feelings about it all. My husband suffers from Peripheral Neuropathy due to Agent Orange, White, Blue and Pink from his exposure to those toxins in Vietnam. He bathed in the Mekong Delta everyday and continually had Agent Orange, White, Blue and Pink, the toxins and heavy metals, on his skin in a heated tropical zone, for his nine month tour. It would be like spraying your entire body with a can of Raid and leaving it on your skin for almost a year.. pretty bad.

If you suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy due to diabetes or if you are looking for a cure or at least some hope for a cure for Autism or the milder variant of Autism disorder, Asperger's Disorder, I am writing this article, as well as my other ones on this subject, for you. I am also writing it for your caretakers if you have gotten that bad. I want you to know that I understand the limitations and angst and my heart feels sad for you as it does for my husband.

So, is there a cure? Is there at least some help or maybe at least a bit of relief?

As I have stated in my other articles, I confess I do not know. I only tell you of what the progress is of my husband Dennis. I mention Autism in its different forms because my husband's granddaughter has Autism. There is some research showing that it may be hereditary, in children and grandchildren of victims of Agent Orange related problems.

What's the progress that is being experienced by my husband?

He is not cured but there is further progress and reason to resume his regiment of high doses of injectable vitamin B in the form of Methycobalamin. I want to stress that it needs to be Vitamin B in the form of Methycobalamin. There are other forms of Vitamin B, it must be Methycobalamin.

The progress?

One thing that has changed is the nausea from all the pain meds he is on. I will not state what those meds here, but take my word please, because I am trying to be as candid and honest as I can, that he is on enough to knock most people out. Lots of meds diminish ones quality of life. Throwing up is a biggie. After he takes his injection the nausea, at its worst, dissolves.

Two-The shaking has for the most part subsided. I mentioned this in my second article but it bares repeating because it is a side affect that is one of the most difficult to overcome and one that is distracting both for the victim of Peripheral Neuropahty and the people around them. No more shaking in bed and a certain calmness has settled over him.

ThreeAny form of vitamin B helps ones mood. When someone suffers from chronic pain they are often pretty darn crabby. Dennis' mood it softer now with these injections.

Four This is a huge! (and pardon the pun here, it is unavoidable) Often men, who take a lot of meds, develop Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's disease is a deformation of the penis, often resulting in a sharp physical bend in the organ, frequently interfering with normal sexual function. That problem of the bend? Has been cured! It really has, for Dennis anyway. My goal here is to be perfectly honest about the effects of the injections he is taking and I think that it one finds that such an important factor as this, no matter how embarrassing, it should be shared. Keep in mind however, I make no claims for anyone else, I only tell you what is so for Dennis and I.

FiveNot long ago Dennis had around four days without his alternative treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy, high doses of injectable Vitamin B12 Supplement UK in the form of Methycobalamin. There was a difference and it became clear to me and to Dennis that his condition was indeed improved by this alternative treatment.

In conclusion to this article anyway, I am still hopeful. I will continue to monitor my husbands progress. I hope that my efforts to be honest and candid will in some way bring you some hope as well. Is there a cure for Autism or the milder variant of Autism disorder, Asperger's Disorder? I don't know, I only know that high doses of Methycobalimin are relatively harmless, our bodies delete the extra. It may be hard on the kidneys however, but weighing that with the alternative still demands consideration in my very humble opinion.

Love your life.. remember that this is Life Take One!

ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

I paint and sculpt female fantasy art and map fairy tale adventures. I dream of beautiful women on canvas and art of exotic women.

I have illustrated for Hay House Inc.,"Women Who Do Too Much" CARDS, taken from Anne Wilson Schaef's book. I also illustrated for Neil Davidson, who was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, and several other publications. My paintings are collected worldwide.

Giclee canvas art work, greeting cards and posters are available for sale on my website:


Sign up for my mailing list for FREE ART GIFTS suitable for children: Drawings of whimsical angel pictures, legends of mermaids and fairies in art. Tiny angels whisper fantasy art for shrink art, or coloring pages. Also a "Letter From the Tooth Fairy", ya just never know when you might need one!

I am Represented by:

Monkdogz Urban Art, Inc., 547 West 27th Street, 5th floor, New York, NY 10001

ORIGINAL ART may be purchased through Monkdogz


Home Remedies For Different Kinds Of Scars

Tue, 30 May 2006 15:32:42 EDT
After being faced with problems like acne, chicken pox and different kinds of skin infection, the last thing you want is to be marked for life. If proper precautionary measures are used these scars ma...

Acne / Breakouts

Wed, 22 Oct 2008 20:02:54 EDT
Leave the stage makeup for actors - it doesn’t really cover the breakouts and it makes the acne worse (instead try crushed minerals - like: www. everydayminerals. ... org Take a wheatgrass shot: www. wheatgrass....


wheat grass kit Reviews and info

wheat grass kitCorkwood - Uses and Side Effects

Corkwood contains alkaloids, including hyoscyamine, hyoscine, scopolamine, atropine, and butropine. These components have potent anticholinergic properties and can be fatal in large doses. Corkwood is available as extract, leaves, and twigs.

Reported uses

Corkwood is used for its stimulant, euphoric, and hallucinogenic effects and may be used to treat motion sickness. Some patients chew the leaves and twigs. In homeopathy, corkwood is used to treat eye disorders.

Corkwood was used as a substitute for atropine and scopolamine before commercial sources were readily available.

Medicinal use of corkwood isn't currently recommended.


The use of corkwood is not well documented.


Adverse effects associated with the use of corkwood include drowsiness, euphoria, excitation, hallucinations, other central nervous system (CNS) disturbances, altered heart rate, blurred vision, dry mucous membranes, paralyzed eye muscles, constipation, urine retention, and tachypnea.

Corkwood potentiates the anticholinergic effects of anticholinergics, such as atropine and tricyclic antidepressants. Corkwood may interfere with the efficacy of antiparkinsonians.

Patients with an allergy to corkwood or any of its components, atropine, or scopolamine should avoid use. Patients who are pregnant or breast-feeding and patients with glaucoma, intestinal disease or obstruction, heart disease, or myasthenia gravis should avoid use.

Clinical considerations

Safety Risk Corkwood Contain scopolamine, which is fatal in large doses.

Inform patient that corkwood isn't recommended for medicinal use and can be dangerous or fatal in high doses.

Monitor patient for anticholinergic adverse effects and drug interactions, including rapid heart rate, decreased salivation, urine retention, constipation, and psychosis.

Tell patient that sgns and symptoms of overdose include tachycardia, tachypnea, constipation, urine retention, dry mouth, and CNS disturbances. Instruct him to promptly report adverse reactions and any new signs or symptoms.

If patient is pregnant or breast-feeding, advise her not to use corkwood.

Tell patient to remind prescriber and pharmacist of any herbal or dietary supplement that he's taking when obtaining a new prescription.

Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a treatment with proven efficacy may be available.

Research summary

The concepts behind the use of corkwood and the claims made regarding its effects have not yet been validated scientifically.

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