Friday, December 26, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Goodness

Amazing Grass introduces organic berry green superfood drink powder - The Beverage Network

Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:34:52 GMT

Amazing Grass introduces organic berry green superfood drink powder
The Beverage Network - Dec 17, 2008
All natural and organic ingredients include organic wheat grass, organic barley grass, organic alfalfa, organic spirulina, organic spinach, ...

Crop Science - Characterization of amphiploid hybrids between bluebunch and thickspike wheatgrasses.

Wed, 01 Mar 2006 08:00:00 GMT
March 1, 2006 -- An amphiploid derivative from hybrids between bluebunch wheatgrass (2n = 2x = 14) Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A. Love] and thickspike wheatgrass...

wheatgrass seedLooking for Acupuncture in All the Right Places

Worried that the acupuncturists you find in the yellow pages isn�t qualified? How would you know? How do you find a qualified acupuncturist and what do you expect when you do?

Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine that is still being used. In the United States, the National Institutes of Health recognizes acupuncture�s effectiveness in the treatment of back pain and for the nauseas caused by chemotherapy and pregnancy. The NIH currently funds studies on the efficacy of acupuncture for many other conditions where the anecdotal evidence is strong. These conditions include many pain related problems, women�s health issues and fatigue.

For most US acupuncture practitioners, the road to becoming an acupuncturist starts in acupuncture school. Finishing the program typically confers a master�s degree, which means that most acupuncture schools require a bachelor�s degree in some subject in order to enter. Currently, a few schools have begun offering doctoral programs in acupuncture however these programs are geared towards those considering research or specializing in a particular area. The practitioner level is the master�s level degree.

Once the practitioner has gotten a degree, most of them take a standardized test. California has their own test. All other states that require an examination use a national test given by the NCCAOM. The NCCAOM acupuncture exam tests the understanding of basic acupuncture theory and point location.

Some states, where the scope of practice allows Chinese Herbal Medicine, require that the potential practitioner pass the NCCAOM exam on Chinese Herbal Medicine as well as the acupuncture examination. Some states that allow the use of herbal medicine do not require this step. Many practitioners who are particularly adept at Chinese Herbal Medicine will opt to take this test anyway, but for some, the cost is prohibitive.

After getting their degree and passing the NCCAOM exam, practitioners can then apply to their state for licensure. Mot states have regulations about who can become acupuncturists, but not all. For those in states that do not regulate acupuncture, it is best to find someone who has at least complete their degree and taken the national board. In all other states, a licensed practitioner will generally have met those requirements and any others required by the state, such as full background check.

Most people advertising their practice will comply with all these steps. However, it is always good practice to check out the person you think you ant to work with. What is their office like? Is it convenient for you? Do you feel comfortable there? Acupuncturists spend a great deal of time with their patients. It�s important to feel comfortable with the practitioner you choose. Take the time to do it right.

Bonnie Koenig, LAc has been a Licensed Acupuncturist in Washington State since 1999. She loves writing and has created her website,, for people who are looking to find out general information about acupuncture.


grow wheatgrass Reviews and info

grow wheatgrassNew cat toys on the holiday horizon - WKBT

Sun, 30 Nov 2008 18:18:07 GMT

New cat toys on the holiday horizon
WKBT, WI - Nov 30, 2008
You plant the wheat grass in the Veterinary Ventures fountain (no dirt necessary), and it will grow for your cat's scratching and eating pleasure, ...

Here in Florida

Fri, 19 Dec 2008 16:18:23 EDT
Essentially, we are learning to eat, prepare and even grow (as I already do) "living foods. ... I toast to you all (with wheatgrass of course!). . . Jamie and Eva...

Bringing the Culture Back in Agriculture - Natural

Wed, 03 Dec 2008 07:04:48 GMT

Bringing the Culture Back in Agriculture
Natural, AZ - Dec 2, 2008
By growing wheatgrass using sea minerals and drinking the juice, you are offering two plasmas to the blood in liquid form. Sea minerals and chlorophyll are ...

Drinking Plenty Of Green Fruit Juices Does The Body Good

Tue, 09 Dec 2008 14:06:26 EST
Many people have heard of juice fasts to SPdetoxifying the body. Followers of the raw foods routine also contain juices as part of their diet. Nearly anything can be juiced - fruits and vegetables, pr...

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wheatgrass uk Reviews and information

wheatgrass ukDetoxification - Choosing the Right Body Detox Program For You

There are many options available when it comes to body detox systems.

With so many options, it can be hard to know which one will work best for you.

The good news is that there are plenty of options to fit every lifestyle and body type. Or instead of choosing just one system, you can customize a plan to fit your needs by taking some of the finer points from several different plans.

Some popular choices for detox systems are.

� saunas

� colon cleansing

� detox baths

� herbal detox

� juice fasting

� minimal eating

� water fasting

Some systems and programs come with pre-made plans, pills, pre-packaged juice or drink, and more. Others instruct you on making your own drinks or liquid foods, or water fasting and other calorie-restricted diets.

Reading about these different programs can help you decide which one will work best for you.

Detoxification programs can last for varying amounts of time, from one day to two weeks, depending on which one you choose. The longer ones are more "total body" and involve other steps besides diet.

Some include body massage, sking brushing, breathing techniques, journaling exercises and more.

Many of the most popular programs include liquid diets such as juice or water fasts. During this fasting period the juice and/or water is the only thing you are supposed to eat or drink.

Other popular programs involve different ways of cleansing the colon.

A famous body detox plan is Stanley Burroughs' famous "Lemonade Diet". It was also known as the Master Cleanser and involves drinking only lemonade for a period of time.

The "Hawaiian Colon Cleanse" is also popular, and there are many others that are inexpensive and easy to use.

By investigating different ways to detoxify the body, you can select the one you feel fits you best and gives you the greatest benefit.

For more information about how a home sauna can provide a simple and enjoyable way to detoxify and improve your overall health visit

organic wheat grass


Wellness Info

fresh wheatgrassHow to get and stay for ever healthy?

Wed, 17 May 2006 15:39:15 EDT
How to get and stay healthy?

Welcome at Forever Living Products, the world biggest Producer of Aloe Vera- and Bee products.
Forever Living exist since 1978 and it's products are used from more th...

It's Easy Being Green: How to Throw a Green New Year’s Eve Party - American Progress

Wed, 24 Dec 2008 14:43:00 GMT
Another year is coming to an end, and that means it’s time to celebrate. Hosting your own party is the best way to make sure it’s sustainable, as it gives you control over the ...

City wakes up to health food via home dlivery - Times of India

Fri, 19 Dec 2008 22:20:00 GMT
PUNE: While increasing health consciousness is making Puneites opt for healthy food, ready-to-eat salads and vegetable juices delivered at home are just what people want when they ...

fresh wheatgrassTastiest Home Remedy For Cough - Honey

Looking for a home remedy for cough? One that is natural and perhaps easy to go down? Consider the sweet liquid from nature - pure honey.

Now, when you are down with a bout of sickness, for instance, cold, sore throat, or fever, I am sure at one point or another, you have wondered and questioned what's going on in your body, what has gone wrong and is causing those symptoms of discomfort...

An extremely common ailment which probably all of us have experienced before, cough is a vital bodily function and can be technically defined as an involuntary reflex signalled and triggered by our brain to clear a blockage or irritant (e.g phlegm, cigarette smoke, pungent gas, dust, etc) from the air passage. What is visible or audible to us when this happens is a sudden expulsion of air from the lungs that helps clear airway very quickly.

When you complain of having a cough, doctors or pharmacists often like to ask this question: is it chesty or dry? Chesty cough or productive cough is characterised by the presence of mucus or phlegm on the chest, whereas in a dry cough where the throat and upper airways are inflamed or irritated, no phlegm is produced or expelled. In some cases, a cough can be chesty but is not productive. This happens when the phlegm is not loose enough to be coughed up.

Many smokers can have a continual dry cough throughout their lives. A cough caused by a viral infection such as the flu or common cold usually disappears within two weeks; if it does not, it may be a symptom of a more serious problem and x-rays may be necessary to diagnose the problem. Persistent or chronic cough could be caused by environmental irritants or even stress (such a cough disappears while sleeping), but it could also be a sign of viral infection like bronchitis or pneumonia, whereby antibiotic medicine would be required. Signs and symptoms that point to an infection include fever, chills, body aches, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, headache, sinus pressure, runny nose, and night sweats. When cough is a warning sign of an underlying cancer of the lung or air passage, other symptoms may also be present, including worsening fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, or decreased ability to swallow solid or liquid foods.


Over-the-counter cough syrups for minor coughs are easily accessible. There are two primary goals in treating a cough: one is to suppress the cough reflex, especially when a cough causes pain or affects with sleep; the other is to thin the mucus, making it easier to bring up and be flushed from the body. It's beneficial to drink lots of water, warm broth, tea, and room-temperature fruit or vegetable juice to help thin and loosen the mucus.

I notice that across different cultures, home remedy for cough can vary a lot. There is obviously an interesting vast array of recipes for treating cough, but you may not be very comfortable with some of them depending a lot on the beliefs you grow up with (such as the concept of "heaty and cooling foods" which I tend to believe in). Here I would mention a few using honey, one of nature's most precious gifts:

1. Mix equal amount of honey and lemon grass juice then drink to reduce the coughs.

2. Mix a syrup consisting of 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons water, mix and drink.

3. Boil some water with 2 garlic cloves, 1 table spoon of oregano. Pour into a cup add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink.

4. Make a lemon and honey drink. Active Manuka honey and propolis have been commonly used as ingredients in the home remedy for cough because of their strong antibacterial properties.

Some researchers believe that honey, a traditional, natural home remedy for cough can offer a "safe and legitimate alternative" to dextromethorphan (DM), which can occasionally cause severe side-effects in children, including muscle contractions and spasms. A study (2007) by researchers from Penn State College of Medicine, US, involved 105 children with coughs between the ages of 2 and 18. Before bed, the children were given artificial honey-flavoured DM cough syrup, buckwheat honey or nothing at all. Results revealed that parents of children who received the honey rated their children's sleep and symptoms as better! Honey's ability as a home remedy for cough may be due to the way it soothes on contact and stimulates saliva. However, please note that honey should not be given to children under age 1 because of a rare but serious risk of botulism.


R. Tan is the owner of the website which is a rich honey resource community specially built for all the honey lovers and fans in this world. She has packed this website with a wide range of quality contents on honey based on her knowledge and experience with honey, so as to promote its invaluable benefits which she believes could bring many positive spin-offs in everyone's daily life.

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