Monday, May 19, 2008

wheatgrass trays for health

Southern Living - Fresh Spring Arrangement

Fri, 01 Apr 2005 08:00:00 GMT
April 1, 2005 -- Celebrate the season's blooms with a simple centerpiece. This time of year, easy pickings abound for great bouquets. You can gather flowers in myriad...

Dern Good Mother's Day - LA Canyon News

Sat, 10 May 2008 18:17:14 GMT

LA Canyon News

Dern Good Mother's Day
LA Canyon News, CA - May 10, 2008
Some of the sweets are placed on local wheatgrass, which gives them the appearance of colorful blooms sprouting out, ready to be picked and eaten from the ...

wheatgrass traysFish With Omega 3 Fatty Oils Really Good For Your Health?

So you have probably heard the great buzz about Fish with Omega 3 fatty oils right? So you�re not sure whether you want to take the omega 3 gel caps, liquid or just eat a fish? Maybe you�re wondering what the health benefits from this highly acclaimed nutritional miracle.

Im Going to Break It down Right Here:

What are the best types of fish to get quality Omega 3 from? Fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Now that you know the highest quality fish to get you should also know they can be expensive and hard to come by sometimes.

Are gel caps and liquid intake of Omega 3 as effective?

Well there has actually been alot of debate about this but in general its always pretty safe to say that the real thing is the best. I would think eating large quantities of fish provides a better intake of Omega 3 fatty oils, but it also provides a large intake of Mercury which can be very toxic!

Is there too much mercury in fish?

Even Salmon are loaded with Mercury and many experts recommend you only eat it once a week, but is once a week enough Omega 3 intake? For optimal health benefits you should take low doses of Omega 3 Fatty oils. I myself try to eat salmon once a week but also usually take omega 3 fatting oils in capsules for my blood pressure. Fish with Omega 3 fatty oils and capsules are great; you can always eat salmon once a week and take capsules daily. Make sure you check the recommended doses for our capsules. Now the health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids are nothing short of amazing. They lower your blood pressure and Cholesterol, but do much more then that.

You can check out my site link below to see the recommended doses for capsules, more health benefits and much more concerning Omega 3's. Enjoy!

Corey is a self proclaimed Health Ethusiast. Want to get more information on the health benifits and information on Fish with Omega 3 Faty Oils?

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