Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Not just A blog about wheatgrass juice uk

wheatgrass juice ukThings You Can Try To Stop The Acid Reflux

First thought is that acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, etc, is the result of continually eating your food in the manner and type that causes indigestion. But isn't always that simple.

If you are the one having acid reflux problems, my advice is that you should see a physician, and get a proper diagnosis of why you likely have the reflux problem, and what you can do about it. There are many things that one can do to reduce reflux, and it is important to do so, because reflux can put you at an increased risk of esophageal cancer, one of the more deadly cancers.

Natural hygiene has been often mentioned as a way to stop reflux. Maybe it does work, but it is an extreme dietary measure that is hard for most to follow, and it may not even be healthy overall if not followed properly.

A hygienist would encourage you to learn how to avoid indigestion by structuring your meals differently and to use some good food enzymes from a plant source. A simple plan would be to have fruit or melon meals, or salad meals, and then protein or carbohydrate meals. The concept is based upon making it as easy on the stomach to digest the food as possible. Food combining is another term for this type of meal structure.

And finally, there is a paragraph with thing you must cut and avoid. So, cut down on coffee, lose a bit of weight, avoid eating too much or when feeling upset or nervous, avoid eating quickly and avoid eating acidy foods. Avoid going to bed with a full stomach, avoid large and fatty dinners, avoid alcohol, chocolate, caffeine and peppermint, particularly in the evenings.

Valerian D. is a freelance writer interested in items such as acid reflux disease.


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