Sunday, September 07, 2008

Goodness discussion


Mon, 30 Jun 2008 02:45:58 EDT

Cadbury launched Boost Guarana in 2001 in UK, a new chocolate bar, which with proven ene

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More Great Health and Nutrition Resources.

grow your own wheat grassFood and drink festival on-farm - Farmers Guardian

Thu, 21 Aug 2008 23:00:33 GMT

Food and drink festival on-farm
Farmers Guardian, UK - Aug 21, 2008
“He also came back enthusiastic about pick-your-own fruit, which is now an important part of our business. My own father started growing asparagus, ...

Food Crisis Will Take Hold Before Climate Change, Warns Chief ... - Common Dreams

Mon, 01 Sep 2008 00:02:00 GMT
Food security and the rapid rise in food prices make up the "elephant in the room" that politicians must face up to quickly, according to the government's new chief scientific ...

#14 Philadelphia Part III: Faithful, In What?

Wed, 03 Sep 2008 12:50:33 EDT
Not one jot or tittle will fail to come to pass. He is the owner of the key of David....


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wheatgrass skinAllergies - Ayurvedic Management

According to Ayurveda, an ancient healing system, one develops allergies when ojas (life force) is depleted & when the immune system is weakened. High quality ojas is primarily built from proper digestion of wholesome foods, and is depleted through stress, lack of rest, toxic foods, irregular eating habits and routines & turbulent emotions. Ayurvedic management of allergies includes:

a) Diet, Nutrition and Digestion - Allergies can be aggravated through improper diet. Foods that can be easily digested, creating nutrients that are then assimilated into the tissues to rebuild their strength is recommended. Prepare foods in ways that create maximum nourishment for the body.

b) Stress Management and Improved Emotional Function - Allergies are worsened by heightened stress and mental fatigue. Sleep disturbance that is often created by symptoms of allergies increases fatigue, which in turn increases one's susceptibility to stress, which in turn aggravates the allergy condition. Meditation relieves the stress component of allergies.

c) Lifestyle and Daily Routine - Regularity in our daily routine is highly effective as one of the most important factors for balancing Vata and keeping the natural cleansing processes strong is to have a lifestyle that does not disturb natural bodily rhythms

d) Ayurvedic Herbs - Appropriate herbal formulas is advised for aiding the healing process, strengthening digestion and helping the body purify itself.

e) Herbal Oil Massage - Daily oil massage creates heat and friction which enhance circulation and help cleanse the areas of chemical impurities that could be causing symptoms of allergies.

f) Cleansing therapies - Treatment program of massage, application of herbal preparations and mild internal cleansing therapies like panchakarma is the cornerstone of ayurvedic treatment.

g) Exercise - Ayurveda considers proper stretching and flexibility exercises to have a very positive effect on the body's healing response and the treatment of allergies. Yoga breathing practices that create a state of restful alertness in mind and body.

Thus, Ayurveda is an integrated approach to allergy as it eliminates toxin buildup, stabilize the nervous system, enliven the healing ability of the body and manage stress and thereby strikes the allergy at its root.

wheatgrass skinDowntown Northville: NOMI reopening; tanning salon coming soon - Northville Record

Thu, 14 Aug 2008 11:06:59 GMT

Downtown Northville: NOMI reopening; tanning salon coming soon
Northville Record, MI - Aug 14, 2008
The menu will also feature wheat grass, raw desserts made from fruit and vegetables and raw cookies from Michigan's health-food store, The Tree House. ...

How to Stay Free and Clear of Cancer

Wed, 27 Dec 2006 15:48:19 EST

Few diseases in today's world are as feared as cancer. People believe that it strikes at random, and there is little they can do to protect themselves. Luckily there are many steps you can take i...

A Secret of Anti-Aging

Fri, 04 Aug 2006 10:17:40 EDT

By Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney)

Anti aging is possible.�The body is designed to heal and repair itself with the aid of proper nutrition. The body requires two vital ...

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