Saturday, July 05, 2008

grow your own wheatgrass Updates

grow your own wheatgrassThe Picky Eater: Reach for 18 Rabbits granola and snack bars - Oakland Tribune

Tue, 24 Jun 2008 19:03:39 GMT

The Picky Eater: Reach for 18 Rabbits granola and snack bars
Oakland Tribune, CA - Jun 24, 2008
Grow your own, courtesy of Sproutman's Soil-Free Wheatgrass Grower. All you need is about 2 square feet, a bit of natural light and some start-up cash to ...

A Smattering of News and Commentary

Thu, 03 Jul 2008 12:46:00 EDT
As we head toward the celebration(s) of the 232nd birthday of the United States of America--and as I

What is a Vegan ‘Raw Foodist?’

Mon, 16 Jun 2008 13:46:39 EDT
So I started my detox program with fresh wheatgrass juice and carrot juice several times a day....

Ethanol: Too Much Hype—and Corn - BusinessWeek

Fri, 30 May 2008 00:56:00 GMT
Amid the explosion of consumer interest in all things ecological, elected officials are rushing to promote environmentally friendly policies. In his State of the Union speech ...

grow your own wheatgrassHealth Benefits of Ampalaya (Bittergourd)

Bitter Melon, bitter gourd, ampalaya: This tropical plant which goes by many names, is commonly grown for its edible fruit, which is probably among the most bitter of all vegetables on earth.

Bitter gourd predominantly grows in tropical areas, including parts of Asia, East Africa, the Caribbean, and South America, where it is used both as food as well as a medicine. The plant's fruit truly lives up to its name, because it really tastes bitter. Although the seeds, leaves, and vines of this fruit have different uses, the fruit is considered as the safest and most predominantly used part of the plant in traditional herbal medicine.

Ampalaya Is Now Used In Herbal Medicine

Until recently, bitter gourd has been noted to be a potent herbal medicine for a lot of ailments, particularly in treating diabetes. The Philippine variety is known for its more potent anti-diabetic components.

This fruit is composed of a mixture of flavonoids and alkaloids which make the pancreas produce insulin that controls the blood sugar levels in diabetics. Aside from its touted medicinal value, it's also a very wonderful source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium. Ampalaya is a common herb used in Chinese herbology too.

The fruit's leaves are often used for children's coughs and are utilized in the treatment of skin diseases, sterility in women, as a parasiticide, an antipyretic, as well as a purgative. Like most bitter-tasting fruits and vegetables, bitter gourd stimulates digestion and can be very potent in people with dyspepsia and constipation.

Herbal Benefits of Ampalaya:

Ampalaya is noted to be an effective component in herbal medicine, and the fruit is known to help treat, or alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism and gout and ailments of the spleen and liver. It also is effective in helping lower the body's blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Below are among many of the beneficial aspects of using bitter gourd:

- Helps to disinfect and heal cuts, wounds & burns

- Is useful as a cough & fever remedy

- Used in the treatment of intestinal worms and diarrhea

- Helps prevent some types of cancers

- Helps enhance the body's immune system to ward off infections

- Serves as an effective antioxidant, antibacterial & antipyretic agent

How To Prepare A Herbal Ampalaya Mixture.

As the bitter fruit is famous for its many medicinal attributes, there are also other unique ways in preparing mixtures, drinks or solutions made from ampalaya. For cough, fever, worms, diarrhea, diabetes, drink a spoonful every day of grounded and juiced ampalaya leaves. For other health conditions, the fruit and leaves can both be juiced and taken orally. For wounds, burns and other skin diseases, you may apply the fruit's warmed leaves to the affected area.

Aside from the benefits mentioned above, bitter gourd is also an effective digestive agent that works by properly stimulating the secretion of gastric juices. It also aids in stimulating the liver for proper secretion of bile juices that are essential for the metabolism of body fat.

Taking juice made from bitter gourd also helps in the treatment of constipation, which is mainly caused by unhealthy eating habits and daily dietary practices. This fruit not only is good at relieving an indigestive condition, but also aids in treating constipation, by improving the movement of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as improving absorption in the intestines. - Prime Herbal

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company



organic wheat grass for nutrition

Business built on solid foundations - Farmers Guardian

Thu, 03 Jul 2008 22:59:26 GMT

Farmers Guardian

Business built on solid foundations
Farmers Guardian, UK - Jul 3, 2008
“The original part of farm is a heavy loam so is well-suited to winter wheat,” says John. “Up to now we have grown around 180 acres of Consort for a local ...

Organic wines come of age | Great choices, confusing labels - Seattle Times

Sat, 28 Jun 2008 07:12:20 GMT

Organic wines come of age | Great choices, confusing labels
Seattle Times, United States - Jun 28, 2008
In 1998, the Momtazis planted their first 13 acres on a wheat field that had lain fallow for 30 years. "After nine years, you can see it," Tahmiene Momtazi ...

Goji Redux - San Francisco Gate

Sun, 15 Jun 2008 00:59:00 GMT
OK, I've finished my little Goji Juice experiment and rather than start with the blow-by-blow, I'll just lead with the results: Surprise! Surprise! It had absolutely no discernible ...

organic wheat grassAutism Homeopathy Treatments

There are many things that strike fear in the hearts of parents. No one wants to hear that their child has cancer, and they certainly don�t want to hear that they have a heart defect or that a medical condition may permanently affect, or even end, their life. Though the diagnosis of autism is not something that means a child will have a short life, it does mean that they are going to have a different life. No parent wants to hear this, but for many it is a reality. Because there is no known root or cure for autism, this puts parents in a difficult situation. They want to help their child, but they aren�t sure how to do it. This leads some down the path of autism homeopathy treatments.

The biggest stumbling block for accepting homeopathy treatments for any ailment is that people struggle to understand how they work and that if they do why aren�t their doctor�s recommending it?

The thing is that without proper study and education, doctors simply can not recommend something they don�t know about, and they know that if they do, they open the door to trouble. However, parents that choose to try autism homeopathy for their child would be smart to do so under the watchful eye of a medical doctor.

Before you can try autism homeopathy treatments, you have to understand how they work. Unlike cancer, where the illness is treated as an illness, autism and any other medical condition, is treated by symptoms.

This means that you could have twenty children with classic autism, but you would probably find that their homeopathy treatments are all different. This is because each child is unique, and they may have different symptoms in different degrees. Any smart parent will do their research and find someone who can guide them before they jump in. Treating the wrong things in the wrong way will ultimately lead to monumental failure and frustration.

One of the most common homeopathy treatments for children with autism is a change in diet. Some believe that this is the best way to help with symptoms. The most common items eliminated are dairy products. Others like to get rid of food that has been altered in any way. This might include removing any foods with preservatives and colorings. Wheat and gluten intolerance might be a problem, and foods containing those things might be removed to see an improvement. Results with diet modification will vary, but many parents report that this is shown great promise and marked improvement in their autistic children.

Other autism homeopathy treatments include supplements, treatments to remove toxins from the body, speech and socialization therapy, healing through energy (balancing the body energy, much like the principles of acupuncture), natural medicines, and herbal remedies (closely related to natural medicines).

For more information on other homeopathic treatments for autism sign up for the free newsletter below.

It would be unfair to say what results to expect, as each child and each treatment will be different. However, if parents are looking for remedies and answers, this might be a path they wish to explore under the guidance of someone well versed in homeopathy autism treatments.

By Rachel Evans. Sign up for a free newsletter for more information on autism. In the newsletter you'll find out more about the signs and symptoms of autism.

growing wheat grass
grow wheatgrass
growing wheat grass
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wheat grass juicers for health

wheat grass juicersFruit

Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:59:59 EDT
Other way to earn money from fruits is juicers, fruit salad, vegetable juicers, wheat grass juicers and citrus juicers extract the most enzymes, nutrients and vitamins f...

Grow wheatgrass at your desk - Julie's Health Club - Chicago Tribune Blog

Tue, 01 Jul 2008 16:13:34 GMT

Grow wheatgrass at your desk
Julie's Health Club - Chicago Tribune Blog, IL - Jul 1, 2008
(Note: While I didn't have to deal with any messy soil, I did spill emerald green wheatgrass juice all over several important folders on my desk while ...

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Health discussion

wheatgrass creamGhee Made With Medicinal Ayurvedic Herbs

Ghee (clarified butter) addresses so many health problems - such as restoring sexual vitality and lubricating tissues, nerves and organs. According to Ayurvedic science, ghee helps produce healthy semen, maintains a strong digestive tract, and keeps eyes and memory youthful.

Today I want to give you a medicinal ghee recipe that takes the healing process a step further. There are many medicinal ghee mixtures (ghee infused with herbs) - known and trusted for centuries.

Protecting Ourselves From Hard Living

Think of it this way: We inhale a TABLESPOON of solid particles each day (we live in a toxic soup). Doesn't it make perfect sense to moisturize with rich herbs to keep the tissue super clean and sturdy? Today's recipe can be used as both a preventive measure and a treatment for ailments in the ear, nose and throat regions. A half-teaspoon daily protects the body from all those invisible toxins floating around.

I recommend it to anyone who wants to improve mental alertness, calm their nerves and develop powerful focus. Personally, I use it (and prescribe it) to combat allergies, respiratory problems and severe headaches. And let me not forget, this is a fabulous salve for massaging the chakras and rebalancing energy.

Let Me Introduce Some Special Ingredients

I want to introduce you to the herbs that go into this medicinal ghee -- and give you an idea of how each one contributes to the body's balance and wellbeing. As I always say: It's good to read the label and know what's going inside of you.

Ashwanghanda: Effective for fatigue, weakness, impotency, infertility, arthritis and other problems associated with aging. It is similar to Ginseng, but without any of the overheating or over-stimulating side effects.

Brahmi Powder: Treats hair loss and skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis

Meluthi Licorice Powder: Great for bronchial problems, and bowel and urinary infections.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus): In India, Shatavari is considered the female equivalent to Ashwagandha. The name translates to "she who possesses 100 husbands" -- referring to the herbs' rejuvenating effect on women's reproductive organs.

Now for the recipe...

Enlightenment Ghee

2 tsp Brahmin Powder
3 tsp Meluthi Licorice Powder
4 tsp of Ashwanghanda
4 tsp Shatavari

1. Crush the herbs in an electric grinder, mortar and pestle, or small food processer.

2. Place in saucepan with 14 cups of water.

3. Simmer the ingredients and reduce until it resembles a creamy thick paste. There should be no loose water in the pan.

4. Add mixture to butter and prepare ghee as normal.

This recipe is enough for 2 lbs of butter. It can be used in any recipes calling for ghee. Add this ghee to your kicharee or mix 1 tsp in warm milk. Enjoy both the taste and the benefits.

Get A Free Copy: Download a copy of Dr. Helen's 120 page book, Effortless Ayurvedic Living and recieve a free subscription to her free ezine at

Dr. Helen Thomas, Ayurvedic Practitioner: Since 1987 Dr. Helen Thomas, D.C., has treated thousands of patients, both in America and India, on a daily basis, with the 3,000 year old science of Ayurvedic medicine.

Dr. Helen has pored over the ancient texts and worked side-by-side with Ayurveda practitioners. Over a decade ago, Dr. Helen started paying Ayurvedic doctors from India to come and work with her in her clinic.

Her knowledge comes from hands on experience, not theory given to her in school.

Many of her patients have been moved to tears after receiving an Ayurvedic assessment from Dr. Helen. Ayurveda helped them understand themselves, their needs and their stresses, more profoundly than ever before.

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