Thursday, December 25, 2008

where to buy wheatgrass juice Updates

where to buy wheatgrass juiceGinseng - For Health And Strength

In North America and Asia, ginseng was traditionally used for treating a variety of illnesses. In Chinese medicine, ginseng was more frequently used for general preventive purposes.

Whereas ginseng was formerly supposed to be confined to Chinese Tartary, it is now is known to be also a native of North America ( species Panax quinquefolium after the five-leaf formation common to the species), and was used by the native North Americans. Chinese Ginseng is a larger plant, but presents practically the same appearance and habits of growth.

Asian ginseng, which includes Korean, Manchurian, Vietnamese and Chinese ginseng, is considered to be very "yang", or warm, and is often used for relatively limited periods of time. It contains roughly half the number of active ginsenocides found in American ginseng, which is considered to be cooler, or more "yin", and better suited for long term usage. For this reason American ginseng has become very prized in Asia, and most American ginseng is imported to Asian markets. Siberian ginseng is different again and is described separately here.

Used regularly, Ginseng can regulate the menstrual cycle, improve hormone balance and tone the uterus to improve the ability of the foetus to implant after conception.

Ginseng may help the body deal with physically and mentally stressful exposures such as heat, cold, physical exhaustion, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, extreme working conditions, noise, and pollution. By strengthening the system, it may also help prevent illness.

The anti-stress effect seems to derive from its antioxidant and steroid metabolism activity on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal endocrine function. It improves adaptation to diminished blood flow to the brain. Ginseng also produces an increase of amine nerve transmitter substances in the brain and adrenal gland

Recent research has clinically demonstrated that regular use of ginsengwill help to increase physical and mental performance, withstand stress and boost immune functioning. Ginseng has been approved by medical authorities in Germany as an invigorating tonic for fatigue and to protect against and recover from illness. Research has largely supported the use of Ginseng to maintain health and strengthen the system rather than to treat particular disorders.

Ginseng should be used only after consultation with your health care professional if you are suffering from high or low blood pressure, fever, cancer, diabetes, heart problems or allergies.

Ginseng may lower blood sugar levels. Diabetics must monitor blood levels carefully while using this product. Also, care should be exercised if taken in conjunction with Ginger (in large doses), Diamana or Fenugreek which also effect blood sugar levels. Consult your licensed naturopath if in doubt.

Some authorities have suggested that medicinal quantities of panax ginseng may increase the effects of synthetic hormones in susceptible women, e.g. women taking HRT or the contraceptive pill.

Ginseng can also increase the stimulant effects of caffeine (as in coffee, tea, and cola).

Ginseng is not recommended for use during pregnancy.

It is unknown if this product is excreted into breast milk. Because of the potential risk to the infant, breast-feeding while using this product is not recommended.

Ian Finlayson is chief writer and Webmaster of The Herb Spiral a website dealing with medicinal and culinary herbs. His articles aim to provide a balanced insight into the known and traditional therapeutic properties of commonly used medicinal herbs.

The Herb Spiral also provides current news comment and a variety of articles on each herb discussed


Natural Supplements discussion

wheatgrass factsThe Four Types Of Aromatherapy Wax Candles

Aromatherapy wax candles are a good alternative to paraffin candles, as they are completely natural, and do not contain ingredients that may be harmful to your health. As aromatherapy aims to either maintain or improve your health, naturally, it makes sense to use aromatherapy wax candles.

There are two main types of products currently available; soy candles and beeswax candles. Both are a far healthier option in regards to your health when compared to the standard model, and an added advantage is that they burn longer than standard candles.

Some of the best aromatherapy wax candles on the market at the moment are made from soy. These are both vegan and environmentally friendly. No animal or processed products are used during the making process. Soy wax is made from soy beans, and the wicks are made from either cotton or hemp.

Another option for aromatherapy wax candles are those made from beeswax. Like honey, beeswax is sourced from the nectar of flowers. They produce a slight honey aroma when lit, so most of the aromatherapy wax candles made from bees wax utilize the sweeter smelling oils to complement the waxes natural fragrance.

It is also possible to get these products that are made from palm wax, but these are not as common, and more difficult to find. Where available, palm wax is sourced from palm oil trees, making them an environmentally friendly choice. The palm wax tends to hold scent better than other types of waxes, so if you can find them, they are a good choice.

No matter which natural material you choose when buying your products, make sure to ask where essential oils have been used. If simple fragrance oils have been used instead, you will not get any health benefits from burning the candle. In fact, you could be jeopardizing your health, as many of the cheap fragrance oils can let off toxic smoke. Only those products that have been scented with pure essential oils are beneficial for your health.

Whether you are buying aromatherapy wax candles to scent a room or for health benefits, or you are looking for unscented candles, in the interest of your health, and that of your family, choose one that is made from a natural product. While you may pay a little more initially, natural wax burns for longer than paraffin, so you're getting value for money.

Kathy Davidson is a homemaker with over ten years experience working with aromatherapy. Visit her website for a free aromatherapy course and information about reputable supply companies.

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Lets talk about wheatgrass detox

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This is a spiritually oriented form of treatment that combines therapy for the individual with a concern for the whole of creation. The transpersonal dimension emerges in the drive of the individual to connect with cosmic forces, and in the impulse to discover an awareness of the soul.

In operation transpersonal therapies involve a wide range of functional techniques. The emphasis is on practical activities rather than verbal interpretations, and so, for example, imagery is used to explore, transform, and expand on ideas.

Transpersonal work shares with other integrative therapies the search for the equal fulfillment of mind, body, and soul. Many people find considerable hope for personal development in such a method that combines a range of diverse elements while looking outward to the world around for meaning.


Many elements now essential to the transpersonal movement stem from the work of psychoanalyst Roberto Assagioli, whose long career began in Italy in 1926 and encompassed the establishing of important links between Jung's ideas and humanistic thinking. During the 1960s Assagioli's ideas became extremely popular. He saw a need for the synthesis of inner experience and external events, past mystical wisdom, and new scientific knowledge. He believed in the existence of the soul, and that by achieving our full potential as human beings we actually come to know vastness of creation. To him, in healing ourselves we heal the world.

Within this broad context, Assagioli placed great importance on exploring practical ways actually to enable people to transform themselves. At various times he used word and free association, free drawing and writing, dance, music, dreamwork, guided imagery, and "becoming the symbol" in visualization.

Transactional Analysis

A humanistic therapy, often drawn on by those working integratively, transactional analysis believes that ell social situation produces a "transaction" resultingi particular presentation of personality and the wall communicate and behave socially.

It was pioneered in the 1950s by Eric Berne in the United States. Some of its concepts have been popularized as the "games people play," the notions of life stage transition crises, and the awareness of intern, voices representing the constantly warring parent-child-adult aspects of our personalities.

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