Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The latest Informaiton on General Health

Showing entries for Category: Energy-Juice - San Francisco Examiner

Sat, 21 Jun 2008 18:17:00 GMT
Welcome to today's miracle drug, Yerba Mate. Like the quercetin found in FRS energy , this drink had tons of followers, from tree hugging hippie leftovers to avid super athlete ...

Nation's Restaurant News - HBO series causes wheatgrass run at Manhattan juice bar

Mon, 04 Sep 2000 07:00:00 GMT
September 4, 2000 -- NEW YORK -- If you doubt the power of television to influence your customers, have a talk with Steve May, the owner of the juice bar known as Dr....

wheatgrass shotEczema Diet - 3 Ways That Wheatgrass Heals Eczema

Wheatgrass is a very powerful tool for the curing of most skin diseases especially that of eczema. It contains healing powers unlike other plant foods. It contains enzymes which work to facilitate digestion, elimination and healthy energy. This is a superior detoxification agent and will wash away all traces of drugs and toxins in your body within a short period of time.

Wheatgrass will also purify your liver. It works wonders as an antiseptic and it neutralizes infections, heals open wounds and hastens skin repair which is very important for eczema sufferers.

It has very powerful anti-inflammatory benefits and eliminates scabby eruptions. It eliminates parasites and germs and works wonders at returning your general health to normal. This is one of the riches natural sources of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, sulfur, zinc and so many other nutrients.

There are three very important beneficial ways that wheatgrass will heal eczema:


This will help heal your eczema because of the chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll stimulates the production of red blood cells in your hemoglobin. The healthier the red blood cells the more oxygen will be carried to every cell in your body including your skin cells.


Wheatgrass will help heal your eczema because it keeps your colon healthy and clean. It contains fiber which maintains colon health and regularity.


Wheatgrass will help heal your eczema because it is a complete food. The more complete and healthy the meals you consume are, the less likely you will be hungry and eat foods that deliver little to no health benefits.

To learn more, download my free guide, "Start Healing Your Eczema Today" here:

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Natural Supplements Info

wheatgrass seedsEffective Acne Home Remedies To Help Stop Acne Fast

Acne is an annoying problem to deal with and it has several negative side effects that are hard to ignore. People that suffer with acne struggle with self esteem and the pain associated with getting acne. It is vital to find a solution and it is also important to realize that acne is not normal and is usually an early warning signal that something might be wrong with your health.

There are now many natural acne home remedies that anyone can take advantage of and see potentially very good results. Many acne researchers believe that this problem is made worse or at least partially caused by a poor diet. If your diet is rich in fatty foods and if you have a tendency to overeat then these factors may contribute to making your acne worse. This is where you must learn to use the power of your will to control what you eat in both quantity and quality.

It is always highly recommended for both reducing acne and better overall health to consume more fruits and vegetables. We all know this but very few of us actually eat enough of these kinds of foods regularly. Carrots have been reported by many acne sufferers to be effective at helping to stop acne. However it is hard to eat enough carrots every day which is why juicing is ideal.

Seriously consider investing in a quality juicer and juice all kinds of fruits and vegetables from carrots to apples, beets, celery, pears, pineapples and much more. Add as many different varieties and colors of fruits and vegetables as this will help to ensure that your body receives a wide array of nutrients it needs in order to fight acne causing bacteria right from the root.

If you do not want to purchase a juicer keep in mind that many large malls now have fresh juice stands so you can use this option even though the juices will cost more. Wheatgrass juice may also be effective at helping to reduce acne not to mention all the other potential health benefits.

Cleaning the skin properly is also important as if excess dirt builds up in your pores then this can make acne worse since the bacteria that causes acne might increase in growth. However it is not necessary to wash your face too much, usually twice a day should be enough, once in the morning and once in the night. You can apply a paste of fresh garlic on and around the acne as garlic is known to have many great healing properties.

Another thing you can apply to your acne is the pulp of ripe tomatoes. Simply apply the pulp to the affected areas and then wash off after about 10 minutes. It is important to remember that hormones may also contribute to acne. This may be why teenagers tend to suffer the most with acne and for many teens acne simply goes away once they get older and are no longer experiencing increases in hormone levels. This is why you need to also be patient when trying to solve your acne problem.

It is also important to note that stress may also be a contributing factor to your acne. Inspect your life and the amount of stress you are currently experiencing. Look for ways to relax and reduce stress as much as possible. Be active and exercise or take part in recreational sports like golf, tennis or basketball as being active is a great way to reduce stress. Consider taking up weight training to help build strong powerful muscles and also reduce stress in the process. Apply some of these strategies to help you get rid of pimples permanently.

Shakil is an internet researcher and author. He is a regular contributor to a site on acne treatments. Be sure to visit and learn more about natural acne treatments too.

wheatgrass seedssouffle

Fri, 27 Jun 2008 22:55:27 EDT
... eather, less buy wheatgrass seeds in toronto, the chiefs had lay, pull clinica medical policy procedure, eight souffle after his release vowel nation changing due f...

Ethanol: Too Much Hype—and Corn - BusinessWeek

Fri, 30 May 2008 00:56:00 GMT
Amid the explosion of consumer interest in all things ecological, elected officials are rushing to promote environmentally friendly policies. In his State of the Union speech ...


wheatgrass juicer Information

Beach beauty: A to-do list for 'carefree' style this summer - Daily Gleaner

Thu, 12 Jun 2008 09:06:02 GMT

Beach beauty: A to-do list for 'carefree' style this summer
Daily Gleaner, Canada - Jun 12, 2008
Eric Helms, founder of Juice Generation, a New York-based mini-chain of juice stores, suggests mixing wheatgrass in a juicer with fresh mint, pineapple, ...

Grow wheatgrass at your desk - Julie's Health Club - Chicago Tribune Blog

Tue, 01 Jul 2008 16:13:34 GMT

Grow wheatgrass at your desk
Julie's Health Club - Chicago Tribune Blog, IL - 16 hours ago
(Note: While I didn't have to deal with any messy soil, I did spill emerald green wheatgrass juice all over several important folders on my desk while ...

Thinking of Buying a Juicer?... Here's What to Look For

Sun, 29 Jun 2008 12:08:33 EDT
Must juice everything – It must be able to cope with all kinds of fruit and vegetables including soft fruit and wheatgrass....

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More Great Holistic Remedy Resources.

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In the veterinary industry, fibromyalgia is known as �stiff lamb disease� or �white muscle disease� in lambs, calves and pigs. In this industry fibromyalgia cures are possible because of supplementation with trace minerals, particularly selenium and Vitamin E.

Ask any farmer living in an area where there is a low level of selenium in the soils and they�ll tell you that they give newborn and pregnant animals a nutritional supplement containing selenium and vitamin E.

If you apply this same �farm logic� to humans then perhaps fibromyalgia cures might just be possible with some simple supplementation and dietary changes. If you want to verify this (like I did), go and ask a farmer how they treat their newborn lambs or calves and then come back and finish reading this article! You could also run a Googlsearch for �stiff lamb disease� - you'll find references full of Vitamin E and selenium.

In humans the disease is also known as adult-onset muscular dystrophy, and while the condition is not fatal it�s thought by some to be a multiple deficiency disease involving widespread free radical damage and aggravated by a high intake of fried foods and vegetable oils.

It�s important to note that many vegetable oils (such as olive oil), which people regard as safe, turn into damaging free radicals when they are heated. It�s always safer to cook with butter on low heat and totally avoid margarine.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms
Before we get to Fibromyalgia cures we'll discuss the symptoms. Firstly, Fibromyalgia is characterised by widespread pain and fatigue. Pain in the soft tissue is the main fibromyalgia symptom; other symptoms include: intense muscle pain, fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances, joint pain, numbness and tingling, problems with concentration and memory, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, sensitivity to cold and bladder problems.

Fibromyalgia Treatment
While scientists continue their search for fibromyalgia cures, here are the key points of a fibromyalgia natural treatment involving diet, lifestyle and supplements . . . Diet and Lifestyle:

Totally eliminate all vegetable oils and fried food as well as sugar � this only causes more free radical damage to an already damaged body biochemistry.

Regular exercise and stretching may help with sleep and with easing muscle pain. The exercises must be low impact and just enough to get your heart rate up a little and the muscles warmed up � about 20 to 30 minutes is fine. Finish with light stretching movements for about 10 minutes. Gentle yoga is very beneficial for fibromyalgia and is thoroughly recommended � it allows you to stretch, train your muscles and relax at the same time!

Massage � find a good massage therapist, book a few sessions with them and have them teach you how to self massage and stretch as part of an approach to fibromyalgia cures.

Fibromyalgia Supplements
The key to natural fibromyalgia cures and natural treatment lies in giving back the body the missing nutrients so that the body can repair itself:

  • Supplement with Essential Fatty Acids � about 9 grams per day to make up for the reduction in your intake of oils.
  • The Antioxidants Selenium & Vitamin E are important nutriets to assist with neutralizing and repairing free radical damage associated with the disease.
  • Plant derived minerals are a 98% absorbable form of Selenium and other trace minerals important for repair and nutrition and will be very helpful.

Copyright Paul Newland -

Paul Newland is a health writer, sports training consultant and martial arts instructor and runs the Global-Longevity.comwebsite. He is the author of The Fibromyalgia Guide and numerous health information books and guides, including the Wellness Report available Free through

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