Sunday, October 05, 2008

wheatgrass diet for nutrition

wheatgrass diet

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Not just A blog about spirulina wheatgrass

spirulina wheatgrassThe Way Food Affects Our Life

You do not need to be a scientist to be aware of the influence science has on our daily lives. Science has made us aware of what we are made of and how we live with this everyday. Science, or more specifically, biochemistry, has shown us that the human body is made out of: the four elements, the majority being water, and that all these elements are natural products of nature. The ways these substances and elements interact affect our physical and emotional feelings. What this means is that our emotions, passions, desires are interwoven with how we feel: and feelings and thought run along the same path. Our actions and behaviors affect our decisions in everyday life, and we create our world through interacting with our surroundings. Then our surroundings reflect back our actions, which in turn influences the way we feel, which impacts our thoughts, which influence what decisions, we make!

Lets go back to how we feel, since feelings play an important role in how we react and communicate not only with our selves, but also within the society and our environment. Lets just say for the moment that our feelings are like the way a scientist experiments with chemistry. The chemist pours a little bit of this and a little bit of that and we get a certain type of pattern called short temper (of course this is a very complex, interwoven theory and it is beyond the scope of this article), and he does it again using a different substance and he gets tolerance...

We could say these are the type of substances (food and beverages) that we pour into our body constantly everyday. These substances (food and beverages) when eaten as nature intended, greatly influence the way we feel... especially when we eat food that is genetically modified, due to high demand and multi-national corporate strategies.. This affects our natural balance (homeostasis) and therefore plays a vital role in how we feel. Then it becomes simply rational to say that one need not be a scientists to know that what we eat, becomes part of us, part of our feelings and part of our decisions, The result leads to our behaviours and actions. Simply put " We are what we eat" and our lives reflect what we put into our mouths.

P.S. Food for thought!

With best wishes,


(If you want to change your chemistry...check out my new delicous no-fuss raw, mostly raw recipe book Chop to Impress at

Omid Jaffari is a healthy raw, vegan cookery writer, who also has a website Tried*Tasted*Served filled with shopping tips, suggestions on cooking, eBooks, raw food recipe and a weekly free newsletter that you can sign up and to start benefiting from motivational tips/words of inspiration and encouragement, and the latest cutting-edge news, and resources in healthy living, alternative medicine, and mind-body health.

