Sunday, January 04, 2009

The latest Informaiton on Healing

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Try Ginger For Stress Related Or Sea Sickness Upset Stomachs.

Ginger is well known as a culinary herb used in Asian cooking, but did you know it's also a great therapeutic-grade essential oil? Ginger oil is wonderful for treating upset stomachs, as well as easing the ache of tired muscles and improving circulation.

Ginger oil has a strong, spicy but earthy smell and can be used topically, aromatically or internally. It is considered quite safe and should not cause allergic reactions, but it can cause photosensitivity. When taken internally, one drop should be diluted in four ounces of liquid, such as rice or soy milk, before consuming.

To use therapeutic-grade essential oil of ginger on your skin, dilute in a vegetable oil or olive oil. Ginger oil is a nice addition to your body scrub and massage oil, as it can calm symptoms of arthritis, ease minor aches and pains, and make you feel warmer as it improves your circulation.

The warming properties of ginger oil make it a wonderful choice for a soothing yet invigorating bath. Put a few drops of ginger oil in the water when you have a cold or flu and relax your pains, and even your fever, away.

Therapeutic-grade ginger essential oil can be used internally to treat nausea, indigestion, sea sickness and similar stomach upsets. Eating ginger is often recommended as a treatment for morning sickness, but check with your doctor before you take ginger oil internally if you are pregnant. It also shouldn't be used on infants and small children.

A couple of drops of ginger oil on a handkerchief, when inhaled, can also calm a nervous stomach. If you know you have a travel sensitivity, for instance, you can pack a ginger-infused handkerchief and inhale the scent when you start to feel uncomfortable.

Another good use for ginger therapeutic-grade essential oil is treating bruises and sores on the skin. Adding ginger oil to a carrier oil or a lotion and rubbing it on affected areas should speed healing and calm any pain associated with the injury.

Inhaling ginger oil is said to eliminate feelings of lethargy and loneliness, and some people consider it an aphrodisiac, probably because of its ability to increase blood circulation. Its strong, spicy scent might also have something to do with its romantic reputation. Next time your sweetheart comes home stressed out from a long day at work, try a back or foot massage with ginger oil. It might do more than just relax their tired muscles!

Ginger oil is a wonderful therapeutic-grade essential oil to keep on hand for treating stomach upset and aches and pains. It is wonderfully versatile and quite effective at making you feel better and improving your mood.

Always wash your hands before and after the use of therapeutic-grade essential oils and avoid contact with your eyes.

Emma Sanford is a Registered Professional Nurse, Founder and Wellness Consultant of Good Health - Good Scents, a distributorship of chemical free edible wellness products, located in Atlatna Ga.

Ms. Sanford edits and publishes a FREE weekly ezine " Good Health -Good Scents Wellness Tools." Sign up for a FREE copy. Visit,

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crown wheatgrassFever - Ayurvedic Management

Ayurveda, a holistic medical system, emphasis that fever is due to toxicity in the rasa dhatu (the body's basic vital tissue) and manages fever by: Fasting (langana), Sudation (swedana), Time- Waiting/Patience (kala), Light diet (yavagu), Bitter drugs (tikta bheshajam) and Detoxification (ama pachana).

  • Fasting - Strengthens the digestive system and eliminates ama which in turn cleans the channels in the body. Strong person can fast whereas weak persons can take up a light diet. A lot of liquid diet like vegetable soups or just hot ginger water which alleviates the aggravated dosha and increases the appetite should be taken.

  • Sweating - One can drink a simple spicy tea to induce sweat or he can be covered with a blanket so that he is made to sweat as this process clears toxins, raises the body temperature that kills the virus and normalizes the body temperature.

  • Light Diet - After the body achieves the normal temperature he should take three meals upon a well balanced/light diet of fresh fruits and raw/lightly cooked vegetable according to his age.

  • Bitter Ayurvedic drugs - Burns ama, increases the white blood cell count which help the body to fight infections. Commonly used medicines are Dasamoola kaduthryam qwath, Amruthothram qwath, Indukantham qwath, Dhanwantharam qwath, Amrutharishta, Sudarsanasava, Dasmoolarishta, Vettumaran tablet, gorochanadi tablet, gopichandanadi tablet, sooryprabha tablet, sirasooladi vajra rasam, laxmi vilas rasam, ananda bhairava ras, etc

  • After fever the patient is advised to undergo a Detoxification (mild purgative regime - Panchakarma) treatment as it expels remaining ama and strengthens the digestive system. Then he undergoes a preventive regime which will reduce the chances of reccurance of fever,

Thus Ayurveda management of fever is done by restoring the agni ( fire) in the body and enhancing the proper metabolism. It also suggests yogasanas like suryasana and matsyasana to be practiced to pacify the aggravated pitta dosha which is the root cause of fever and meditation helps to deal with fever with a balanced and clarify of mind.


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wheatgrass juice uk3 Easy Ways To Approach Physical Issues With EFT

I was recently asked by on of my clients: What words or phrase would I say to get rid of this swelling under my left eye? I notice it Sunday evening. It's very annoying. PLEASE Tell me exactly what I would say to get rid of this.

Remember the words themselves aren't magic. There are not exact right words. The words are only reminders to help us tune into the issue. It is possible for me to say, "This swelling, this swelling, this swelling," and be thinking about what I am making for dinner tonight.

The three basic approaches we can take to any physical issue. These approaches work for any physical issue, but I will use the swelling under the eye from the question as an example.

1) Tap on how you would describe what is going on under eye. There is nothing too complicated about this approach. Just pretend you are describing to a doctor over the phone what is going on. Give all the details you can. What does it look like? How does it feel? How long have your had it? So you would tap:

Under my eye is swelling

It looks red and swollen

It feels like there is puss or goo in the swollen spot

It wasn't there last night

But was here this morning

I shouldn't be there

2) Tap on what you image in going on inside of the eye. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Image what it looks like inside they swollen part. What color do you image it to be? Is it just one color or a number of colors? If you were going to make a model to show others what it feels like, what substance would you use to describe it? How much space does it take up? Is it something foreign in the eye or is part of your body that is sick or diseased? As you tune in this fashion tap. As I write this I have an ache in my shoulder right now and these are the phrase I would tap on:

The stiffness in my shoulder

That feels like thick molasses have been spread on muscles.

The whole area looks like it has blue and grey gunk filling it up

The stiffness is about five inches long and goes about one inch deep into the muscle

It is round like a rod

The very middle of the stiffness is the stiffest part

3) Tap on how you feel about the swelling. Often part of the healing of the physical body is the emotions we have about the sickness. Clean up any of the emotions you have about part that is bothering you. This way you are not spending in energy in worry and frustration so that the body can have all of the resources it needs to heal.

I don't like the way my eye looks

It disports my whole face

Everyone is going to ask me about it

I don't want to talk about it.

This is just one more way my body is breaking down as I am getting old

I am going to be self conscious about this all day

When you encounter a physical issue with your body you can use any (or all) of these approaches to speed the healing process.

Gene Monterastelli is an EFT practitioner based in Baltimore, MD who works with clients from all over the world. one-on-one by phone. He has authored over 100 articles on EFT.

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Nutrition Info

wheat grass shotWhat Everyone Ought to Know About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the most popular forms of complementary medicine in the United States. It�s safe. It�s effective for a variety of conditions. It�s relatively pain free. What else do you need to know before you try it?

Acupuncture is taught at many colleges throughout the United States. The program is typically a master�s level program and graduates then typically go on to take a national standardized test. California requires their own test rather than the national test. Once this test is taken, practitioners can apply to the state licensing board in the majority of states to become licensed.

Acupuncture uses tiny needles. Acupuncture needles are more like pins than the syringes most people picture when they picture needles. Needles are most typically sterile and disposable.

Many patients report that acupuncture is pain free. Most patients report that it�s incredibly relaxing. One patient described her treatment as feeling like she was having an �internal massage.�

Acupuncture has been recognized by the National Institutes of Health for low back pain and the nausea caused by chemotherapy and pregnancy. The World Health Organization recognizes its efficacy in far more conditions, including all sorts of pain, headaches, women�s health and stress.

In the United States the majority of people seeking acupuncture for the first time are looking for pain relief. It is only after experiencing it that they begin to seek it�s assistance for a variety of internal health conditions, including gastric upset, menopausal symptoms and infertility.

Patients must return for several visits before their condition clears up. Many people want a set number of visits, but it�s hard to guess. Most acupuncturists consider a course of treatment as 12 treatments. Most conditions take at least one course of treatment. Long term and chronic conditions may take more. Patients usually come at least once a week to begin with and then slowly taper off as their condition improves.

Acupuncture has a broad range of applications and is a wonderful complementary medicine. More and more people in the United States are beginning to try it. Will you be one of them?

Bonnie Koenig, LAc is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Washington. Her website is devoted to answering many of the questions that patients may have about their first acupuncture visits. Additionally, she has developed an area for practitioners offering links to research articles and marketing information.

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