Monday, September 29, 2008

Recent information on wheatgrass benefits

Ayurvedic - Medicines, Herbs, Products and Treatments

Tue, 23 Sep 2008 00:57:35 EDT
Benefits of Ashvagandha aka Indian Ginseng:Physical fitness, Stress & Hypertension Relief...

Crop Science - Breeding CWG-R crested wheatgrass for reduced-maintenance turf.(Turfgrass Science)

Tue, 01 Mar 2005 08:00:00 GMT
March 1, 2005 -- Using reduced-maintenance turfgrass as an alternative to current high-maintenance turfgrass species would conserve resources, reduce labor, and...

Raw Food Diet

Tue, 25 Apr 2006 00:13:20 EDT
Eating raw foods is natural. Our bodies thrive on all that is fresh and vital. A raw food diet (or increasing the amount of raw food that you eat) is bound to bring a feeling of increased well...

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wheat grass for nutrition

wheat grass

wheat grassHome Remedies for Toothache - Fast Tooth Pain Relief

Mon, 11 Feb 2008 02:02:22 EST

Ache of the tooth, more commonly known as a toothache, is clinically labeled either odontalgia or odontalgy. The intense discomfort associated with such affected tooth, is in the aching pain that ...


Health and Wellbeing discussion

growing wheatgrassCrop Science - Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of hybrids between 6x, 4x, and 2x ploidy levels in crested wheatgrass.

Sun, 01 Jan 2006 08:00:00 GMT
January 1, 2006 -- The crested wheatgrass cultivar 'Hycrest,' which consists of germplasm from an induced tetraploid of Agropuron cristatum (2n = 4x = 28) (L.) Gaertn....

Vitamin's Bio Logic Collection - TAXI Design Network

Tue, 02 Sep 2008 13:04:58 GMT

Vitamin's Bio Logic Collection
TAXI Design Network, NY - Sep 2, 2008
The pots can also be used to grow small plants, flowers or wheatgrass. The various configurations mean that the pots will fit in corners, on window sills, ...

Supplements We Take

Sun, 28 Sep 2008 02:36:12 EDT
Also, Kate’s a growing girl and I’m planning to get pregnant again soon (in the next year I think). So we need extra nutrition. Which is why we take supplements. ... And I juice the wheatgrass for him and he will drink beet kvass when I give it to him....

Crop Science - Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of hybrids between 6x, 4x, and 2x ploidy levels in crested wheatgrass.

Sun, 01 Jan 2006 08:00:00 GMT
January 1, 2006 -- The crested wheatgrass cultivar 'Hycrest,' which consists of germplasm from an induced tetraploid of Agropuron cristatum (2n = 4x = 28) (L.) Gaertn....

growing wheatgrass

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benefits of wheatgrass for health

benefits of wheatgrass

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Another blog about wheat grass seeds

wheat grass seedsCleanse Your Body With Foot Detox

People are starting to realize the negative effects of living an unhealthy lifestyle. Many people are becoming more focused on improving their health through diet and exercise. These steps do help to improve overall health, but it doesn't take care of all of the problems we are facing. Our bodies have collected many toxins and waste that need to be removed.

These toxins build up in our bodies and cause problems with our health. Although you may not feel the immediate effects of these blockages, your time will come when your immune system is worn down and your body can no longer fight off the negative effects.

Although you may not realize it, your body is constantly exposed to chemicals and metals that build up in our lymphatic system. These toxins can be found in everything from the fertilizers used to grown our food, chemicals used to treat our water, pollution from our cars, cigarette smoke, etc. As they build up in your lymphatic system they are moved through your body-- attaching to your vital organs and slowing you down. Have you ever wondered why you no longer have energy anymore? These toxins are the reason you feel sluggish!

If you want to regain your vitality and improve your future health you need to cleanse your system from these toxins. One of the most easy and effective ways to do this is through a detox program. Detox foot baths are simple, home remedies that can be used to gently remove the waste from your body. The advantage to owning a detox foot bath at home, is that you don't have to go to the spa and pay a lot of money for the same results.

The detox foot bath stimulates the reflexology points in your feet to gently pull out toxins. These toxins are removed quickly and you will wee them collecting in the water of your foot bath. This process is very relaxing and easy to do.

You may wonder how soaking your feet is going to remove toxins. Instead of just soaking your feet in water, there is a small electrical current that creates positively charged ions. These ions cause your reflexology points to pull the negatively charged toxins from your organs and excrete them through your feet in a concentrated form of sweat.

This detox process will improve your health. Implementing a foot detox program with your usual diet and exercise will help you to naturally cleanse and assist your body in healing the ailment that are holding you back.

About the Author: Sydnie Andrus has all the information you need about detox foot baths. Visit her website and find out how this detox program can improve your health.


wheatgrass shots Reviews and information

wheatgrass shotsCreativity-Fungi-And Parasites Assistance For You

Tsuga Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil is very powerful for cleaning out your system. Whether you have a cut or scrape, fungus or intestinal parasites, Tsuga Oil is an invaluable resource because it can be used as a dietary supplement and applied to chakras/vitaflex points.

Tsuga Oil is derived from the needles and twigs of conifer trees, commercially known as hemlock. The bark of these trees was traditionally used by native Americans in healing poultices, and the same idea applies to using the Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil. It's a wonderful example of how the self healing wisdom of older civilizations still serves us well today and that the old ways have been passed down for a reason. So much has been ignored and misunderstood.

Plant Origin: Canada

Extraction Method: Steam distilled

Modern Day Uses: Tsuga Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oil Will Boost Your Creativity. It Has Also Been Known To Treat Venereal Diseases.

  • Using Tsuga Oil externally is a good way to clean and heal cuts and sores. It must be diluted before use by putting a drop or two into a carrier oil, such as olive oil.
  • It has a fresh, clean scent like the forest so you will enjoy using it.
  • Therapeutic-Grade Essential Tsuga Oil is also great for creating an unfriendly environment for fungus, candida and intestinal parasites.
  • It is wonderful for the respiratory system when the scent is inhaled and is invaluable for the self healing process of bronchitis.
  • It is also beneficial for people with asthma, especially those who are using steroids to control their conditions.
  • Diffusing Tsuga Oil is uplifting, awakens the mind and gives a feeling of contentment and peace to those who smell it. In addition it is beneficial in relieving exhaustion and fatigue.
  • Other uses for Therapeutic-Grade Essential Tsuga Oil include calming excessive thyroid function and easing spasms of the solar plexus.
  • Tsuga Therapeutic - Grade Essential Oil not only cleans you up inside and out, it can also help clear your mind. When used in a massage dilute 1:1 in a quality vegetable oil and add it to your favorite cream or lotion..
  • Inhaling or diffusing this oil is known to help people come up with new ideas, be more creative, and to use when studying and learning. Who couldn�t use that assistance from time to time?
  • It's also thought of as a purifying herb, because of its uses for eliminating fungus and healing external sores.
Tsuga Oil can be irritating to sensitive skin and should not be used by women who are pregnant or on small children.

RECOMMENDATION: Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly, before and after the use of therapeutic-grade essential oils, also avoid contact with your eyes. Keep all therapeutic-grade essential oils out of the reach of children.

This entire article is available for reprint electronically or in print, for free, as long as it is done in its entirety with the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Emailto:

Emma Sanford is a Registered Professional Nurse, Founder and Wellness Consultant of Good Health - Good Scents, a distributoship of chemical free edible wellness products, located in Atlatna Ga.

Ms. Sanford writes and publishes a FREE weekly ezine " Good Health -Good Scents Wellness Tools." Safe subscribe for a FREE copy. Visit, and

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grow wheatgrass Information

grow wheatgrassTranspersonal Therapies

This is a spiritually oriented form of treatment that combines therapy for the individual with a concern for the whole of creation. The transpersonal dimension emerges in the drive of the individual to connect with cosmic forces, and in the impulse to discover an awareness of the soul.

In operation transpersonal therapies involve a wide range of functional techniques. The emphasis is on practical activities rather than verbal interpretations, and so, for example, imagery is used to explore, transform, and expand on ideas.

Transpersonal work shares with other integrative therapies the search for the equal fulfillment of mind, body, and soul. Many people find considerable hope for personal development in such a method that combines a range of diverse elements while looking outward to the world around for meaning.


Many elements now essential to the transpersonal movement stem from the work of psychoanalyst Roberto Assagioli, whose long career began in Italy in 1926 and encompassed the establishing of important links between Jung's ideas and humanistic thinking. During the 1960s Assagioli's ideas became extremely popular. He saw a need for the synthesis of inner experience and external events, past mystical wisdom, and new scientific knowledge. He believed in the existence of the soul, and that by achieving our full potential as human beings we actually come to know vastness of creation. To him, in healing ourselves we heal the world.

Within this broad context, Assagioli placed great importance on exploring practical ways actually to enable people to transform themselves. At various times he used word and free association, free drawing and writing, dance, music, dreamwork, guided imagery, and "becoming the symbol" in visualization.

Transactional Analysis

A humanistic therapy, often drawn on by those working integratively, transactional analysis believes that ell social situation produces a "transaction" resultingi particular presentation of personality and the wall communicate and behave socially.

It was pioneered in the 1950s by Eric Berne in the United States. Some of its concepts have been popularized as the "games people play," the notions of life stage transition crises, and the awareness of intern, voices representing the constantly warring parent-child-adult aspects of our personalities.

Read out for Massage therapy. Check out hoodia gordonii and constipation

grow wheatgrassMad Catz launches Wii Fit peripherals -

Tue, 19 Aug 2008 09:43:00 GMT
Mad Catz, the gaming peripherals specialist, is set to launch a new range of Wii Fit add-ons, following the launch of Nintendo’s latest must-have Wii title today. First up, we ...

Market Wire - US Farms, Inc. Announces Entrance Into Wheatgrass Market

Tue, 03 Oct 2006 07:00:00 GMT
October 3, 2006 -- US Farms, Inc. (OTCBB: USFI) announced todaythat it has entered the Wheatgrass market with plans to grow, market, anddistribute Wheatgrass on a...


Tue, 23 Sep 2008 11:09:44 EDT
The primary advantage of truly fresh wheatgrass juice - juice made from raw, live, soil-grown wheat grass, is the apparent high level of life force energy that it c ontains. ... The grass is alive and growing right up to the time it is juiced, and hopefully you are drinking it within a few minutes or so of juicing....) In contrast, one can grow wheatgrass indoors, and enjoy it when it is truly fresh....

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