Sunday, November 30, 2008

Have you heard of wheatgrass sprouter

Freshlife Automated Sprouter - Update

Mon, 06 Oct 2008 14:39:10 EDT
For example, most sprouting tables say that sunflower seeds are ready in 10-12 days, however, I picked mine in just seven days. Same goes for wheatgrass....In just one week I got a nice amount of sunflower, buckwheat and mung beans sprouts, green pea and lentil sprouts, along with some wheatgrass (not shown here, half o...

Contact us if you have any questions.

wheatgrass sprouterReiki on the Road

Have you always wanted to travel but your budget is a little short and you're worried you'll 'feel so lonely I could die, boom boom'?

Well there's something that you could take with you that might help; it doesn't weigh a ton (it'll even leave room for that extra book) and will always leave love and compassion strewn across the path behind you . You'll have guessed by now what I'm about to suggest - Reiki! This article also applies to those who practise any healing art whether it be massage, shiatsu or acupressure.

Here's how to set yourself up.

Cost: We suggest that you charge the local price for a massage. Remember, you don't have to charge a lot to cover the costs of your next meal and you'll meet really interesting, like minded people who you'll probably end up having lunch with anyway and perhaps even travelling with. Instead of charging money you could also swap services; a massage, a painting, information, food etc.etc.

Where: Reiki can be practised anywhere though preferably in a quiet(ish) space on a comfortable something. Hmmm sounds a little vague doesn't it? But then that's the point - it really doesn't matter! When you're travelling you can do Reiki in the room of a backpackers, by the beach or in a park. Make the space more attractive by using aromatherapy (incense), candles or locally handcrafted materials.

Other ideas are to ring Health Resorts (your dream destination) and work for a month as a practitioner on a commission basis or for free board and rent.

Reiki Masters might want to rent a space if they are staying in an area for a while and offer courses for travellers. This can be a huge success as travellers are often interested in self development.

How: Carry an A4 sheet with you that announces 'Reiki treatments by your name'. Don't fill in where as yet but do leave a space. When you have found a place to practise, photcopy the sheet and fill in where. This might be your address 'Room 8, The Backpackers Inn' or it might say 'For more information meet me at Grandma's for breakfast between 8 and 10 every morning' - you eat there anyway! All you do is place a leaflet on the table so that everyone knows that it is you who they are looking for.

You can then copy this sheet a number of times and place in backpackers, hostels, restaurant windows, bus/train stations. Make sure you ask beforehand - you'll find most locals are curious and more than willing to help your venture. If necessary offer them a free treatment!

If money's no object and you are simply interested in practising your Reiki for the benefit of others, now's your chance. When travelling you can become involved in the immediate community by volunteering your services. You can do this formally through the Red Cross or local hospital or just ask around and there will surely be someone who needs Reiki. This is an excellent way to meet people, understand the culture (a little bit) and spread love and compassion. Perfect!

Reiki Masters Frans and Bronwen Stiene (pronounced stee-nuh) are authors of the internationally acclaimed The Reiki Sourcebook, The Japanese Art of Reiki, Reiki Techniques Card Deck and the A-Z of Reiki and are the founders of the International House of Reiki.

Their website is the which is full of lots of articles and research into Reiki.

With over 16 years of combined experience as practitioners, teachers and speakers in healing and spirituality they have worked with, taught and researched healing in the USA, Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan. They are teachers whose passion is truth, education, support and spiritual development for all.


A blog about wheatgrass juicer uk

wheatgrass juicer ukMagnetic Therapy

Magnetic Therapy is currently considered to be an alternative medicine. Those who practice it believe that certain ailments can be treated if the patient is exposed to magnetic fields. Permanent magnets will generally be placed near the body, and it is believed that this procedure can reduce pain, allow the body to heal faster, and treat a number of other medical problems. Magnetic Therapy will typically be used for people who have problems with their backs or joints. The effectiveness of this therapy is currently not known, and most in the medical establishment currently view it as being a form of pseudoscience.

The practice of magnetic therapy has led to the growth of an entire industry. A number of products are sold for the purpose of healing those who use them. These products could range from bracelets to mattresses or blankets. While there is no concrete evidence that magnetic therapy has been used to effectively treat people, some in the medical establishment believe that it may work as a placebo in some who use it. Critics of magnetic therapy claim that most magnets don't have the strength to effect the various organs and tissues within the body.

In addition to this, few manufacturers have been able to effectively demonstrate the usefulness of their products. However, it should be noted that the field of magnetism is not well understood, and discoveries are constantly being made on a regular basis. Scientific studies have showed that magnetic fields do play a role in the migratory patterns of some birds, and being exposed to a magnetic field which is too strong can even be toxic. Given this research, there is a possibility that strong magnetic fields may play a role in the health of those who are exposed to them, but this remains to be seen.

Proponents of Magnetic Therapy often point out that magnetic fields which are exposed to the body can increase the circulation of blood due to the presence of iron within the hemoglobin. However, iron will lose its ferromagnetic properties once it becomes ionised. There are a number of websites online which sale magnetic health products, and it has grown into a large industry. Whether or not the use of magnets for healing is caused by the placebo effect, it has become an alternative medicine that many people use for healing purposes.

The use of Magnetic Therapy is not new. Paracelsus was a doctor and alchemist who lived during the 15th century, and he reasoned that if magnets could attract iron, they may also be able to have an effect on the various diseases that were present in the body. The current debate about Magnetic Therapy will continue until concrete evidence has been found to support it. With all the achievements that have been made by the medical community, they are limited in their knowledge and understanding. Magnetism is a subject that is not well understood, and the function of the human body and mind is extremely complex as well. It is possible that some link between magnetic fields and diseases may found in the future if sophisticated tools are developed.

Michael Colucci is a writer for Magnetic Therapy which is part of the Knowledge Search network.

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