Monday, October 20, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Health and Wellbeing

wheat grass benefitsThou shalt take vitamins and minerals - Vanguard

Sun, 28 Sep 2008 00:06:00 GMT
What are vitamins and minerals? Vitamins are Organic molecules that the body does not produce on it’s own but cannot do without. As chemical catalysts for the body, they make ...

Remove Stretch Marks with These Medicinal Herbs

Wed, 07 Mar 2007 01:24:47 EST
Stretch marks are scars that are produced on the skin mostly due to pregnancy and childbirth. These are present as lighter lines of the skin, with a whitish hue. Though stretch marks are usually assoc...

wheat grass benefitsRaw Food Diet

Processed and fast foods or junk foods will never make you lean or beautiful. The unatural chemicals, additives and ingredients will infact accelerate and deteriorate your life force.

Our culture has so manty ailments and suffers more from obesity and the side effect thereof than at any other time in history. Yet we have the best doctors, most advanced medical technology and researchers that money can buy.

It seems our understanding of healthy is far removed from the truth. Our over-eagerness to turn to pills or fad diets to cure our symptoms instead of changing our unhealthy diet bears witness to this fact.

Think about it, your average dinner (or lunch) probably consists of a mat combined with some kind of starch, like potato, rice, bread or pasta. This can take up to eight hours of digestion in the stomach. Your body will concentrate as much physical energy as it can on breaking down this meal and trying to eliminate the waste and toxins. You'll proably eat again befor the meal is digested fully, so your body starts again with digestion and never gets a chance to actually properly recover and spend energy on healing itself and properly eliminating stored toxins.

These toxins will begin to accumulate in various areas of the body and you begin to feel the side effects of sluggishness, tiredness, sudden allergies, foggy brain syndrome.

A raw food diet will use natural food in their most simple form to cleanse the body of toxins that keep you from being vibrantly healthy and lean.

For more information on the Raw Food Diet, visit Detox For Life It was born out of a woman's concern for her family's well-being and health. You are invited to enjoy and benefit from the wealth of artcles and information on all aspect of health managed and updated here by Katherine Oosthuis.

wheatgrass benefits
grow wheat grass


dr wheatgrass Reviews and information

dr wheatgrassChlorophyll and Living Raw Foods

Sun, 06 May 2007 23:43:17 EDT
Many have been taught the benefits of vitamins and minerals, and the benefits of antioxidants, but to many the benefits of chlorophyll for many are unknown. As the springboard for photosynthesis, the...

Crop Science - Registration of 'Haymaker' intermediate wheatgrass.(Registrations Of Cultivars)

Sat, 01 Jan 2005 08:00:00 GMT
January 1, 2005 -- 'Haymaker' intermediate wheatgrass Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski subsp. intermedia = Thinopyrum intermedium subsp, intermedium (Host) Barkw....

Australian Doctor - Fads of life.

Fri, 24 Feb 2006 08:00:00 GMT
February 24, 2006 -- Extravagant claims continue to fuel drink crazes. By Dr Rosemary Stanton WHEATGRASS juice was all the rage in 2005, although the product failed...

Laura goes to the 9th Annual San Francisco Vegetarian Festival

Sun, 19 Oct 2008 23:34:07 EDT
... lfalfa*, wheatgrass*, barley*, chlorella*, spirulina*, nettle*, rosehips*, licorice*, fennel*, dandelion*, kelp*, beet*, ginger*, burdock*, stevia*, peppermint powder*, & amp; love). ... We tried to catch up with Dr. Will Tuttle but kept missing him....

dr wheatgrassAromatherapy Nebulizers - An Effective Alternative To Oil Burners

Aromatherapy nebulizers are most often used by natural or holistic practitioners, but anyone with a basic understanding of aromatherapy is able to utilize one of these devices. Far more powerful than the standard burner that many homes have, an aromatherapy nebulizer is able to diffuse oils over a much larger area, much more effectively.

When essential oils are placed in the glass chamber of an aromatherapy nebulizer, they are broken down into their separate molecules before air pressure is created via a compressing unit. This then vaporizes the essential oils, allowing them to be dissipated in the air.

Essential oils have the ability to help with pain and stress management, alter moods and help to fight many common diseases, so aromatherapy nebulizer use is becoming more widespread as this natural approach to health continues to grow.

Some aromatherapy nebulizers have the single function of dispersing essential oils into the air. Others include a special hose, where the user is able to directly breath in dispersed vapors, gaining maximum benefit from the solution.

As most essential oils are natural antiseptics, when inhaled, they help the body to resist disease, as bacteria and viruses are often eradicated when they come in contact with the natural antiseptics. It should be noted that only therapeutic grade oils should be used in an aromatherapy nebulizer. Cheap, fragrant oils can actually be harmful, so make sure that anything that you use has a therapeutic goods stamp or guarantee on the bottle to ensure its high quality.

There are many benefits to using aromatherapy nebulizers. They are effective in large areas, they can safely be left unattended and because heat is not used in these devices, none of the oil is simply burnt away. The lack of heat also means that the original properties of the oil are not broken down or changed, so you receive the full benefit of the product in its natural state. Also, because aromatherapy nebulizers utilize a glass chamber, the solutions do not come into contact with metal, which can interfere with the process.

Aromatherapy nebulizers tend to work best with essential oils by themselves, rather than with a carrier, which often makes the oils thicker, and more difficult to disperse. Some of the heavier, thicker products such as Myrrh, Patchouli and Sandalwood should also be avoided to prevent the diffusion area of the aromatherapy nebulizer from clogging.

Many aromatherapy nebulizers come with a timer device, so if you want the nebulizer to turn on at a specific time, then you're able to program it to turn on and off according to you needs. This can be especially useful if you're using it to promote relaxation and sleep in the bedroom.

Even if you're not suffering from any illness, an aromatherapy nebulizer can be useful in creating a healthy and soothing atmosphere. The small size of aromatherapy nebulizers allows for easy transportation, so the benefits can be experienced not only at home, but in the office too.

Kathy Davidson is a homemaker with over ten years experience working with aromatherapy. Visit her website for a free aromatherapy course and information about reputable supply companies.



grow wheatgrass for health

grow wheatgrassComplementary and Alternative Treatments for Hives

Nutrition and Supplementation

Your hives may be caused by any number of things, including food additives and preservatives. Try to pinpoint what causes your outbreak and avoid that substance.

Alcohol and processed foods deplete nutrients, so avoid them when possible. Also stay away from foods high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sugar, and from dairy products, eggs, chicken, and nuts.

The following daily supplements should help your hives:

Most Important

a prodophilus formula (as directed on label)-reduces allergic reactions and replaces friendly bacteria

garlic (10 drops in water 3 times daily)-destroys bacteria

quercetin (as directed on label)-reduces inflammation and reactions

vitamin C (1000 mg 3 times)-acts as an anti-inflammatory

vitamin D (400 IU)-reduces outbreaks

vitamin E (600 IU)-improves circulation to the skin tissues

zinc (50 mg, not to exceed a total of 100 mg from all supplements)-heals skin tissue

Also Recommended

calcium lactate (1000 mg)

pantothenic acid (500 mg)

vitamin B complex (50 mg)-maintains healthy skin, supplemented with vitamin B12 (2000 mcg)-prevents nerve damage, and B6 (100 mg)

(For an acute condition, take supplements until your symptoms subside. If symptoms persist, seek the advice of your healthcare provider. For a chronic condition, consult your healthcare provider regarding the duration of treatment.)

Herbal Therapy

Parsley and amaranth have antihistamine compounds that can control itching. To benefit from parsley's anti-itch properties, steep 1 teaspoon dried parsley (or 3 teaspoons fresh) in 1 cup boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes; strain. Drink up to 3 cups a day. Or brew 2 teaspoons crushed amaranth seeds in 3 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes; strain. Dab over the itchy area with a cotton cloth.

You also can calm intense itching by applying aloe vera gel to the affected area. Look for a commercial product in health food stores or in drug stores, and follow the directions on the label.


A homeopathic practitioner may suggest one of the following treatments for hives, depending on your symptoms: Apis if the hives are red, produce a burning sensation, and improve after a cold compress has been applied; Urtica urens if the hives are caused by an allergic reaction-especially from eating shellfish.

Note: if the allergic reaction is severe, and you experience swelling and difficulty breathing, immediately seek medical help.


Soothe the itch of hives with a relaxing 20-to 3D-minute bath. Experiment to see which of the following soaks works best for you:

Add 5 tablespoons of oatmeal to warm bath water; swish to distribute well. (Use regular or quick oats, or grind regular oats in a food processor until powdered. You also can purchase a powdered oat solution in almost any drugstore.) When done bathing, gently pat yourself dry; do not rub.

Add 3 to 8 tablespoons of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to a tepid bath; stir to distribute. When done bathing, gently pat yourself dry; do not rub.

Stir 1 cup of cider vinegar into warm bath water; mix well. When done bathing, gently pat yourself dry; do not rub.

To restore the skin's natural pH balance and blunt the itching, apply cool, diluted vinegar compresses to irritated skin. Use cider vinegar or white distilled vinegar. Flush toxins from the system by drinking large amounts of water.

Read out for Home remedies. Check out green tea and body mass index calculator.

Pravda , Oxfam , wheatgrass , Elken , The Heathers ....

Wed, 15 Oct 2008 00:00:00 EDT
Pravda, Oxfam, wheatgrass, Elken, The Heathers and Star Little Thing Current mood: ... I started growing wheat grass last week. Its a really nutrient rich food....
