Monday, October 20, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Health and Wellbeing

wheat grass benefitsThou shalt take vitamins and minerals - Vanguard

Sun, 28 Sep 2008 00:06:00 GMT
What are vitamins and minerals? Vitamins are Organic molecules that the body does not produce on it’s own but cannot do without. As chemical catalysts for the body, they make ...

Remove Stretch Marks with These Medicinal Herbs

Wed, 07 Mar 2007 01:24:47 EST
Stretch marks are scars that are produced on the skin mostly due to pregnancy and childbirth. These are present as lighter lines of the skin, with a whitish hue. Though stretch marks are usually assoc...

wheat grass benefitsRaw Food Diet

Processed and fast foods or junk foods will never make you lean or beautiful. The unatural chemicals, additives and ingredients will infact accelerate and deteriorate your life force.

Our culture has so manty ailments and suffers more from obesity and the side effect thereof than at any other time in history. Yet we have the best doctors, most advanced medical technology and researchers that money can buy.

It seems our understanding of healthy is far removed from the truth. Our over-eagerness to turn to pills or fad diets to cure our symptoms instead of changing our unhealthy diet bears witness to this fact.

Think about it, your average dinner (or lunch) probably consists of a mat combined with some kind of starch, like potato, rice, bread or pasta. This can take up to eight hours of digestion in the stomach. Your body will concentrate as much physical energy as it can on breaking down this meal and trying to eliminate the waste and toxins. You'll proably eat again befor the meal is digested fully, so your body starts again with digestion and never gets a chance to actually properly recover and spend energy on healing itself and properly eliminating stored toxins.

These toxins will begin to accumulate in various areas of the body and you begin to feel the side effects of sluggishness, tiredness, sudden allergies, foggy brain syndrome.

A raw food diet will use natural food in their most simple form to cleanse the body of toxins that keep you from being vibrantly healthy and lean.

For more information on the Raw Food Diet, visit Detox For Life It was born out of a woman's concern for her family's well-being and health. You are invited to enjoy and benefit from the wealth of artcles and information on all aspect of health managed and updated here by Katherine Oosthuis.

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