Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Natural Supplements Info

wheatgrass seedsEffective Acne Home Remedies To Help Stop Acne Fast

Acne is an annoying problem to deal with and it has several negative side effects that are hard to ignore. People that suffer with acne struggle with self esteem and the pain associated with getting acne. It is vital to find a solution and it is also important to realize that acne is not normal and is usually an early warning signal that something might be wrong with your health.

There are now many natural acne home remedies that anyone can take advantage of and see potentially very good results. Many acne researchers believe that this problem is made worse or at least partially caused by a poor diet. If your diet is rich in fatty foods and if you have a tendency to overeat then these factors may contribute to making your acne worse. This is where you must learn to use the power of your will to control what you eat in both quantity and quality.

It is always highly recommended for both reducing acne and better overall health to consume more fruits and vegetables. We all know this but very few of us actually eat enough of these kinds of foods regularly. Carrots have been reported by many acne sufferers to be effective at helping to stop acne. However it is hard to eat enough carrots every day which is why juicing is ideal.

Seriously consider investing in a quality juicer and juice all kinds of fruits and vegetables from carrots to apples, beets, celery, pears, pineapples and much more. Add as many different varieties and colors of fruits and vegetables as this will help to ensure that your body receives a wide array of nutrients it needs in order to fight acne causing bacteria right from the root.

If you do not want to purchase a juicer keep in mind that many large malls now have fresh juice stands so you can use this option even though the juices will cost more. Wheatgrass juice may also be effective at helping to reduce acne not to mention all the other potential health benefits.

Cleaning the skin properly is also important as if excess dirt builds up in your pores then this can make acne worse since the bacteria that causes acne might increase in growth. However it is not necessary to wash your face too much, usually twice a day should be enough, once in the morning and once in the night. You can apply a paste of fresh garlic on and around the acne as garlic is known to have many great healing properties.

Another thing you can apply to your acne is the pulp of ripe tomatoes. Simply apply the pulp to the affected areas and then wash off after about 10 minutes. It is important to remember that hormones may also contribute to acne. This may be why teenagers tend to suffer the most with acne and for many teens acne simply goes away once they get older and are no longer experiencing increases in hormone levels. This is why you need to also be patient when trying to solve your acne problem.

It is also important to note that stress may also be a contributing factor to your acne. Inspect your life and the amount of stress you are currently experiencing. Look for ways to relax and reduce stress as much as possible. Be active and exercise or take part in recreational sports like golf, tennis or basketball as being active is a great way to reduce stress. Consider taking up weight training to help build strong powerful muscles and also reduce stress in the process. Apply some of these strategies to help you get rid of pimples permanently.

Shakil is an internet researcher and author. He is a regular contributor to a site on acne treatments. Be sure to visit and learn more about natural acne treatments too.

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