Wednesday, December 03, 2008

wheatgrass recovery cream Updates

wheatgrass recovery creamA Guide to Alternative Therapies - Reiki

Reiki pronounced Ray Key is a Japanese word meaning (Rei) Universal Life and (Ki) Energy, an energy that is all around us and we all living creatures have an inbuilt energy system through which this 'life force energy' flows.

This energy is what is used or channeled by practitioners for the purpose of healing.

Reiki therapists believe strongly that everybody has a latent ability to connect to their own healing energy and they can use this for the purposes of strengthening the Ki (or life energy) of others.

The aim of the Reiki practitioner is to feed the Ki through his or her hands to the patient, thus activating the body's inbuilt ability to heal itself. For our body to remain healthy it is important for our 'life force' remains high and not become blocked. Keeping the Ki high and flowing freely will result in an improved and lasting state of wellbeing both in terms of health and on an emotional level.

Reiki is acknowledged as one of the most widely known forms of energy healing. It is a very gentle form of natural healing and uses a hands-on technique and is non intrusive. Various patients have reported feeling a range of gentle sensations including, heat, tingling, cold, pressure, etc.

In a Reiki session, the practitioner having established at the first meeting what needs to be done, usually asks the recipient to lie down and relax. There is no need to remove any clothes but the client will probably want to remove their shoes. The therapist, who will have received 'attunements' to open their healing channels then uses their hands, on or close to various parts of the body to channel Ki to the client.

Sessions usually last an hour and four is usually the average requirement.

Reiki is accepted as having beneficial and positive effects on many emotional, physical and spiritual complaints. However it would be inappropriate to detail lists of ailments and conditions which can be treated, although many claim that Reiki can have a beneficial effect on most known conditions.

Although Reiki is totally safe it is a complementary therapy and it is recommended that any proposed treatment be discussed with your own GP.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:

stuttering treatment
reiki symbol
alternative therapies




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