Saturday, November 29, 2008

wheat grass seed Reviews and information

wheat grass seedNatural Health - Using Ayurveda to Curb Cravings

" Food is meant to nourish our body. Love is meant to nourish our soul."

~~ Vasant Lad

Everyone has times where they occasionally overeat at a special party or celebration and the usual holiday feast.

But if you are trying to curb your cravings or emotional overeating a few tips taken from Ayurveda, the 5000 year old system from India, can help.

Do you ever notice when you are with a loving friend you can be so happy that you forget to eat? Remember falling in love for the first time and having little or no appetite? You don't feel a need for food because you are being fed and nourished by something else, love.

But when you don't receive the love, emotional support, or friendship that makes you feel happy often you may feel lonely or rejected and turn to food as a substitute to comfort yourself and your feelings. Eating to suppress feelings of loneliness, grief, sadness or depression is the emotional, psychological cause for overeating.

Here are five tips you can to deal with the problem of overeating related to emotions.

  1. Express your feelings. Write about your feelings. Getting your feelings out by writing or journaling will unblock the energy in your solar plexus, your energy center (chakra) for willpower. When the energy that is blocked in this center starts to release your emotional hunger will subside.
  2. Meditate & Breathe. Whenever you feel emotionally hungry sit quietly and pay attention to your breath. Take 12 deep breaths and then drink a cup of warm water. This will help dissolve the emotional hunger and overeating will be avoided.
  3. Practice yoga. Yoga postures, done on a regular basis and at the time of an emotional craving will help to control overeating. Try Moon Salutations, Camel pose, Cobra pose, and Spinal twist.
  4. Eat lightly. If you feel you must eat, then eat some light food. Try some crackers or some cereal. Or drink some vegetable or fruit juice. That way you won't have to deny yourself when you feel like eating but the light food won't put on weight or fat.
  5. Try bananas. Eating one ripe banana chopped up with 1 teaspoon of ghee and a pinch of cardamom is effective for pacifying emotional, obsessive eating habits.

Food can be a source of nourishment and love when we slow down and share our meals with family and friend s and encourage the sense of community and belonging that we have lost in our hectic , fast-paced world.

The more you attend to and fill your emotional needs, the less likely you are to rely on food and overeating to satisfy your emotional hunger.

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wheat grass seedGeneral Service List (1995)

Sat, 29 Nov 2008 08:27:53 EDT
About the General Service List
John Bauman
Enterprise Training Group
Original URL: http://jbauman

Give your guests a stay to remember with decadent details - Green Bay Press-Gazette

Sat, 15 Nov 2008 23:58:00 GMT
Instead of the ooh la la French torte you served them, the fantastic sightseeing you arranged and the witty conversations you shared, guests tend to remember one thing quite ...

Bird Feeding

Fri, 28 Nov 2008 12:58:17 EDT
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