Saturday, October 18, 2008

wheatgrass skin Reviews and information

wheatgrass skinHerbal Antibiotics - Natural Alternatives to Seasonal Sicknesses

If you find yourself with a cold that you just can't shake, you might be surprised to learn that there's effective natural solutions available at just about any health food store or drug store. Knowing this can save you the cost of an office visit and trip to the pharmacy.

Some Herbal Antibiotics:

  • Olive Leaf Oil/Extract is a good HERBAL natural antibiotic. Just follow the directions on the bottle, probably taking it a couple of times a day.

  • Colloidal Silver -- another anti-microbial -- works well with it, too. When using Colloidal Silver, always buy it from a reputable company and never exceed the recommended dosage. When taken properly, it can be a very effective aid in fighting off many common illnesses.

  • GrapeFRUIT Seed Oil/Extract is also an antibiotic, but seems to be a little more powerful than Olive Leaf. That one is best saved for the really mean bugs like strep throat. Be forewarned, though -- you have to mix that one with a liquid to dilute it, and it has a really nasty taste. Pinch your nose, drink it fast, & have orange juice or something with a strong flavor ready to chase it down with. *Note: Don't confuse this with Grapeseed Oil.

  • Oregano oil/extract is also a good antibiotic, but a little milder than Olive Leaf. The author gives this one to his kids when they get the sniffles, & it usually does the trick.

Length of the Course of Antibiotics:

Once you begin taking an antibiotic, be sure that you keep taking it for 10-14 days, even if you start to feel better sooner -- just to be sure that the bug won't come back. If you finish a course of antibiotics but still aren't any better, then don't start it again right away -- either switch to a different one or look for another method of treatment.

"Friendly Bacteria":

To follow up ANY antibiotics course, whether herbal or M.D.-prescribed, you'll want to restock your "friendly" bacteria by adding stuff like yogurt (with live cultures), sauerkraut, or kimchi to your diet. Also, you can do this by simply taking "pro-biotics," which come in pill form at some health food stores (look in the refrigerated section). Neglecting your "good bacteria" after an antibiotics course can result in a seemingly unrelated but nonetheless nasty yeast infection or fungal issues a couple of weeks down the road. Yes, guys get fungal or "yeast infections," too -- it's called "athlete's foot" or "jock itch," just to name a couple of types, but there's MANY more types of fungus-related issues that can come up if your "good bacteria" & "bad bacteria" get out of balance. Anyway, plan to get some pro-biotics over the following week or two when you come off a course of antibiotics. Have sauerkraut for supper a couple of times during the week, or maybe have some yogurt for breakfast. BTW, a pro-biotics regimen like this has been found to prevent the "bird flu" AND successfully treat it, should that ever break out & become a problem.

Final Thoughts:

Of course, the BEST course of action is PREVENTATIVE medicine -- to take care of yourself & not get sick in the first place. No remedy will take the place of proper diet, rest, exercise, & preventative measures. Take your vitamins, get plenty of exercise, etc., etc. Anti-oxidants are another good way to give your immune system a little boost, too, but that's another discussion.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to join more discussions about natural & alternative medicines, among a host of other things, then you're invited to visit the Mountain Man Forum, where we kick around all aspects of the "Mountain Man" lifestyle.

Disclaimer: As with any course of treatment, pursue it with a little common sense. You should properly educate yourself before taking any medications or supplements, or consult an accredited expert whom you feel that you can trust. Make sure that you've been properly diagnosed before beginning any treatments. Some people have allergies or intolerance toward certain plants & chemicals, and those plants or chemical are not suitable medications for those people. This article is meant to educate its readers as to the possibility of alternatives to common allopathic solutions. The author is not a medical professional, and should not be mistaken for one. Take the info here, research it for yourself, and exercise your best judgment as to how to make use of it.

James Bradley's latest Internet project is helping with a new forum & website, where folks may discuss, learn about, or promote the "Mountain Man" lifestyle. The "Mountain Man Forum" is located at Typical topics for discussion include hunting, trapping, fishing, woodcraft, homesteading, gardening, foraging, natural medicine, gold panning, food, humor, & more!

Thanks for taking the time to read this article. If you'd like to learn more about the "Mountain Man" lifestyle, or would like to help educate others in your areas of expertise, OR would just like to kick back & hang out with some good, salt-of-the-earth folks, then there's a place waiting for you at the Mountain Man Forum.

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