Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Recent information on wheatgrass facts

wheatgrass factsPainkillers Are Not The Only Answer

Pain is something that most of us dread, but pain often serves a useful purpose: it tells us that something is wrong and that we need to do something about it. So, that toothache or pain in the back should not be ignored. Unfortunately painkillers mask pain rather than treating it taking a pain killer is often like shooting a messenger bearing bad tidings. So what can you do if you have pain?

Sometimes the choice is obvious: if you have toothache, you need to visit a dentist. Sometimes it�s less clear. What do you do if you have backache? There are several different choices, including visiting an osteopath, a chiropractor, a sports therapist or an Alexander technique teacher. Sometimes specific exercises will do the trick. Have a look at the books by Pete Egoscue for simple easy exercises you can do to help alleviate chronic pain.

Sometimes chronic pain responds well to a change in diet. Some people with arthritis find that reducing their meat intake and/or sugar and white flour intake works well. Some pain is caused by allergy problems, so check this out with a kinesiologist. A recent study on irritable bowel syndrome has shown that many sufferers are allergic to foods, such as yeast (in bread, alcohol, etc.), wheat, peas, cashew nuts, almonds, barley, beef and soya. Migraine sufferers often do well if they exclude certain trigger foods, such as chocolate, cheese, red wine and citrus fruit.

Drinking lots of water can help. So can eating lots of fruit and vegetables. These are rich in antioxidants, which help keep the joints lubricated and so prevent stiffness. Many people swear by fish oil supplements, or glucosamine sulphate to keep them fit and supple into old age.

People who don�t suffer from eczema or psoriasis probably think of it as irritating, but do not realise how painful it can be as well. As the skin cracks and bleeds it can be excruciatingly painful � when I had eczema as a teenager the pain often reduced me to tears. Recently I have become very excited about a relatively new product called Fruit Force (www.fruitforce.co.uk or 0116 260 2963). It comes as capsules or cream and contains salvestrols. Salvestrols are natural chemicals produced by plants to counteract fungal infection. Unfortunately if you buy non-organic fruit it is unlikely to have a high level of salvestrols � non-organic fruit is often sprayed with fungicides and so the fruit does not need to produce its own natural fungicide. From my own experience and talking to other practitioners this product works well for many people with eczema or psoriasis. I suggest you smear a small amount of the cream on the affected skin three times a day and also take one capsule a day.

Whatever you do, don�t just put up with pain. Have a look at all the possibilities, not just painkillers.

Jane Thurnell-Read is a writer and researcher on health, stress, alternative medicine, and happiness. Visit her web site http://www.healthandgoodness.com for tips and information on how to live a happier, healthier life no matter how busy you are.

wheatgrass factsCoca ~ Cola Owns ODWALLA ! ! Alternative Juice Suggestions ....

Tue, 25 Mar 2008 00:00:00 EDT
You can juice wheatgrass, make nut butters, mince herbs, and make pasta!) you can support you local organic farmers/co~ops and make your own juice magic!!...

I’ve been tagged, oh crap.

Sun, 09 Mar 2008 15:59:00 EDT
Here's how you play: Once you've been 'tagged', you have to write a blog of 10 weird/random facts/habits/goals about yourself. ... (not the wheatgrass, I've been throwing up all of the time), now I can't imagine having another one. 10. My goal? To live. If I can survive this. . . "whatever", I will make more goals....

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wheatgrass sprouter
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