Friday, October 10, 2008

Lets talk about organic wheat grass

organic wheat grass5 Options for Toenail Fungus Treatment

Nail fungus occurs when a fungal infection gets under your nail through a cut or tear in the nail. Treatment can be a bit tricky since the fungus is under the nail where it is hard to reach. However, there are treatment options.

1. Anti-fungal Cream

Anti-fungal cream is the most common toenail fungus treatment. This involves an over the counter or prescription cream that is applied directly to the nail. They can be used for mild or moderate cases and can also prevent an infection from returning. Anti-fungal creams can also prevent athlete's foot from spreading to the nail, which is a common way to get a nail infection.

2. Tea Tree Oil

There are not many studies about tea tree oil as a treatment. It's most common uses are for cuts, burns, respiratory problems, and yeast infections. However, many people have had success using it on milder cases of toenail infections. It is also the best natural toenail fungus treatment.

3. Vicks Vapo Rub

Vicks Vapo Rub as a toenail fungus treatment may be an old wive's tale. However many people have claimed it is effective. There have been no studies to validate this, so this treatment may not be worth the effort.

3. Prescription Pills

For extreme cases, prescription pills are your best treatment. However, they require close monitoring since they can have some dangerous side effects. They can affect liver and kidney function. It is very important that you do not drink alcohol if you are using anti-fugal pills. They can also affect the heart's ability to contract and can be dangerous if you are on other medications. Make sure your doctor knows everything you are taking (including over the counter medications, vitamins and other supplements) and has a complete medical history before agreeing to this nail fungus treatment.

4. Nonsurgical Nail Removal

For this toenail fungus treatment, a cream is used to soften and dissolve your nail. Once the infected tissue is removed, a topical antifungal cream is used to treat the infected area. This procedure is rare but is almost always painless.

5. Surgical Nail Removal

If you have a severe or recurring nail infection, this may be your best treatment option. As with the nonsurgical removal, an anti-fungal cream is used once the infected nail is removed.

As you can see, there are several treatment options. The one you choose will depend on how severe your case is and if it's recurring. An easy place to start is topical creams or treatments and go from there. If you feel your case is severe or it keeps coming back, make sure you see your doctor.

The information in this article is not a substitute for a doctor's advice or treatment. It is for informational purposes only. If you would like more information about toe fungus and reviews for 2 at home treatment options, please visit this site about toe nail fungus.

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