Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Natural Healing discussion

wheat grass suppliersAncient Ayurveda Science Takes On The Modern Day Pharmaceutical Industry With 7 Super Foods & Herbs

Sick of those Pharmaceutical ads on TV? In my opinion, some of them are just DISGUSTING, a nightly diet of them is getting to be too much. A few of them are as bad as the cigarette ads of past years! Then they have the gull to end the ad with 5 seconds or so of monotone to let you know about all of the side effects that you might experience!

The 5,000 year old Ancient Science/Medicine is taking on the modern day Pharmaceutical industry. The modern world is finding out that there is a lot to learn from the Ancients!

There is a brand new revolutionary product that has hit the market and is now available. The testimonials are already pouring in from all over North America. This is the only product ever endorsed by The Chopra Wellness Center in California. The Chopra Wellness Center was founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. Dr. Deepak Chopra is a world renowned Doctor who has sold over 40,000 books world wide, you may have seen him on Orpah. This new product promotes the pharmaceutical factory that exists within all of us and helps it work to our benefit! You really need to look into this.

If you haven't heard of it yet you surely will. It is based on Ayurveda Science with a synergistic blend of seven different super foods and herbs. There are no preservatives added. It took a team of award winning Western Medical Doctors, World renowned Ayurveda Physicians, Scholars, and PhD's in Chemistry and Modern Nutrition a full year and 60 formulations to come up with this synergistic blend of super foods.

Amalaki is the base for this synergistic blend with Turmeric, Tulsi, Schizandra, Jujube, Haritaki, and ginger as the other supporting actives. All of which are a stand alone super foods.

Rick Daniels is an entrepreneur with a life time of experience in business. Has owned several successful companies in several different markets. As a baby boomer believes in Zrii as a great product and as a great business opportunity.


wheat grass suppliersGreenmarket Sellers Debate Maze of Producer-Only Rules - New York Times

Wed, 06 Aug 2008 03:34:26 GMT

Greenmarket Sellers Debate Maze of Producer-Only Rules
New York Times, United States - Aug 5, 2008
Cider makers can buy 40 percent of the apples they press from local farmers, whereas wheatgrass juice sellers must grow all their wheatgrass. ...

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